Youth Advisory Council

The Kwinana Youth Advisory Council, or the 'KYAC' for short, are a passionate and diverse group of young people who work together alongside youth workers, city staff and other organisations to bring positive change to Kwinana.  We represent young people in our community by organising and attending events for youth, informing plans and strategies that impact young people in our area and seeking opportunities to increase and strengthen youth engagement in our city. The KYAC is open to anyone aged 14-24 years old who lives, works or studies in Kwinana. Being a part of the YAC is a great experience to develop leadership skills, volunteer, and be a voice for youth in Kwinana; all while creating strong friendships and memories along the way.

What does the Youth Advisory Council do?

Each new year will begin with a Leadership Day for all members of the YAC. This will be a chance to get to know each other, share your perspectives and plan for the year. Across the year, YAC members will receive training in, and organise, youth events and place making activities in the neighbourhood including the Zone end of year event and WA Youth Week events, and consult on issues important to young people.

Are You Eligible?

The Kwinana Youth Advisory Council is open to any young person who lives, works or goes to school, in the City of Kwinana and is aged between 14 – 24 years.

How to Apply

Applications for the Kwinana Youth Advisory Council will now be accepted once a year. Anyone wanting to join or continue with the group will need to apply each year.

To apply for a position on the Youth Advisory Council please complete the application form on Love My Kwinana . Applications for 2024/25 close on Sunday 7 July. 

Apply here

Contact Information

For more information about the Kwinana Youth Advisory Council please contact the Youth Development Officer today.

Phone​: 9236 4550


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