Community Support

​​​​​​​This page provides useful information for community members seeking support and information.

Community support 

The City's Community Liaison Officers conduct outreach services within the community to identify and help vulnerable community members who need access to support.

Our Community Support Line is also open for wellbeing concerns. This line is staffed by our Community Wellbeing Officers and Youth Engagement Officers between 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Our Officers can assist those in need by linking them to emergency relief services including financial hardship, food insecurity, accommodation concerns and access to other community support. The number to call is 9236 4570.

For all other enquiries related to the City of Kwinana, please call 9439 0200 during office hours.

​Things to Stay Connected

​The links and resources below will give you some ideas on how to stay connected, support yourself and your community, and maintain wellbeing.​

How do I connect with my neighbours?

Start a neighbourly group online or stay in touch with family and friends using Facebook and WhatsApp.  These platforms are great for staying in touch and organising online catch ups. Use them to host an online quiz night, organise driveway drinks with your neighbours, or just to check in with each other.​

New to this technology? Head to Facebook's Help Centre to learn about Facebook groups including how to join and create them, or check out how WhatsApp can help you Stay Connected during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  ​​​

Want to be more proactive?​

Next Door is a great way to bring your street together and support each other!  This platform is perfect for neighbours looking to help each other out and is great for connecting those who need support with those who can help. Perhaps you could offer to pick up and drop off groceries or supplies to a neighbour? Or walk their dog while they are isolating? All while maintaining physical distance and hand hygiene.   ​

Similarly, Adopt a Healthcare Worker is a Facebook group aimed at connecting people who are able to provide support with our hard-working healthcare workers.  This could be anything from just checking in with them to dropping meals off on their doorstep.  Provide support and ask them what would help.   

How do I connect with my community?

Many local community groups use Facebook to stay in touch and to organise and promote local initiatives.  Using key words, such as your suburb and interests, search Facebook for the group or groups that are right for you. Check out Facebook's help centre for more information on how to search for something on Facebook.

Some great groups operating locally include (but are not limited to):

  • Connecting Community for Kids is an initiative dedicated to improving the well-being and development of children and families across Cockburn and Kwinana.  The CCK Facebook page is currently sharing lots of useful tips and tricks for staying connected like online board games!
  • The Frank Konecny Community Centre aims to work collaboratively to bring people together and engage the community through programs/activities/events and services. Keep an eye on the Frank Konecny Facebook page for exciting activities and online programs/information during COVID-19.
  • Playgroup WA has been supporting, servicing and establishing playgroups throughout Western Australia since 1972. The Playgroup Facebook page is not only sharing tips and tricks for families in isolation but, together with the Kindness Pandemic, they are sharing Love Stories to connect vulnerable, isolated and anxious older people with their family and friends through messages from children and young people.

Check out some of these local community groups or hop on line to find the group the suits you.

There are also a number of local 'chat' groups, such as Bertram Chat, where you can interact and share information with other people in your suburb. Use the Facebook search tool (discussed above) to find yours.

Keen for some neighbourly inspiration?

There are a bunch of great resources out there.

The Kindness Pandemic started as a direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on spreading kindness across the world. In addition to the Love Stories mentioned above, the Kindness Pandemic Facebook page is full of feel good stories and great ideas like thanking a postie or starting your own book share or plentiful pantry.

The Town Team Movement encourages and supports the development of local groups working to improve their local area.  The Town Team Movement Facebook page has some great discussions and online resources around 'action in a time of isolation'.

Neighbourhood Connect has been helping people build local communities and fostering a national network of neighbourhood groups since 2014. They are sharing a number of resources for staying connected during this time including suggestions such as starting a Facebook group, setting up a sharing/help circle or contributing to the global Rainbow hunt and Bear Hunt. ​

Need a hand getting your head around connecting online in this way?

Check out Be Connected for great online learning opportunities such as Getting to Know Your Device and Getting Started on the Internet. If you're keen to connect during this time of physical distancing and isolation but not sure how, they also offer a range of courses under the banner of Connecting to others. ​​​

Want more information or to talk to a real person?

Our Place Leaders, Community Development Officers and Community Engagement Staff are here to help you stay connected and would love to hear from you.

​Place Leader NorthJenny MarslenMandogalup, Wandi, Anketell, Casuarina, Bertram, Medina, Orelia9439 0261
​Place Leader SouthAlyce Brewis​Leda, Wellard, Calista, Parmelia, Kwinana City Centre​9439 0289​

Community Support Services 

​Emergency Relief ​ ​ ​
Margaret Court Community OutreachEmergency food relief Wednesday to Friday: 10am to 3pm18 Maydwell Way, Calista
(08) 9202 7128
Rockingham Salvation ArmyProviding food and hampersTuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9am to 1pm(08) 9527 3460​
Salvation Army Kwinana Corps  Fridays: 9am to 2pm(08) 9439 1585
Chorus Community Services Meals on WheelsMonday to Friday: 8am to 2pm 9435 1379 or 1800 861 617
Frank Konecny Community CentreFood Items and suppliesMonday to Friday: 9am to 3pm 

(08) 9439 1585 or 9439 2470​​​

The King's Community CareFreeway Church - Bertram Food HampersAvailable from 9.30am or call for more information. Cost $7 donation if you are able. 

170 Bertram Rd, Wellard, Western Australia, 6170

Phone:  08 9411 4111 / 0434696277 or send them an email.​


​Financial Assistance  ​ ​ 
Centreli​nk132 850 
​Australian Red Cross Kwinana​Financial advice​0457 489 881
​​Health and Wellbeing  ​
Lifeline WAMental health support and well-being13 11 14  
Beyond BlueInformation and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health1300 224 636
Kids Help LineAustralia's only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 251800 551 800
HeadspaceProvides free mental health support and counselling to young people 12 to 25 and their families and friends. Phone, Online chat and email options available1800 650 890
​Crisis Care Helpline ​Information, advice, support and intervention for people in crisis and needing urgent help. Types of crisis addressed by the service include child protection concerns, family and domestic violence, suicidal ideation and homelessness(08) 9223 3111 or 1800 199 008  for crisis accommodation assistance
​Mental Health Emergency Response Line​1300 555 788
​Women's Domestic Violence Helpline​9223 1188  or 1800 007 339
Men's Domestic Violence Helpline​1800 000 599
Relationships Australia​Family Support and Counselling - (08) 6164 0500
Empower Families - (08) 6164 0595
​Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline1800 019 123
Babbingur Mia – South Coastal Health and Community Services​Phone-based health advice and support for Aboriginal people(08) 9550 0900
Moorditj Koort – Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre        ​General allied health support for Aboriginal people(08) 6174 7000
​Maternal Health Assessments (MEGS)​Maternal health assessments for Aboriginal women​0409 835 368
Communicare Kwinana​Phone appointments for parent and family support (Monday to Friday)
Psychologist appointments (Wednesdays)
0434 083 182​
​National Mental Health Helpline​A free and confidential service supporting individuals, families and friends - Open 9am to 11pm, 7 days a week.1300 643 287
​Grandcare​Staff continue to be available to provide telephone and email based support and advice to Grandparents as Carers. Monday to Friday: 10am and 4pm​​1800 794 909



Support for Seniors 
​​Kaiser Family Foundation​Retirement Insecurity in the time of COVID
Annuity Freedom ​Financial Literacy for Older Adults
The John A. Hartford Foundation​Coronavirus Information for Older Adults and Caregivers
AARP​Coronavirus Impacts on Older Workers​
RetireGuideA guide on navigating retirement amid COVID-19


​ ​ ​Other Support Services
Kwinana Youth Services​Support and advocacy for 12 to 18 year olds. No matter is too big or too small.​Tanya 0407 945 276 or Tracey 0418 769 578
Kwinana Early Years Service (KEYS)​Family support(08) 9439 1838​
RSPCA​Information- COVID-19 My Pets and Me
Pets of Older Persons (POOPS)​Over 65 and need assistance to care for your pet?  POOPS volunteers may be able to help.​1300 1100 92

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