Our Vision and Values

Information on the vision of the City including the Strategic Community Plan, Corporate Business Plan, Long Term Financial Plan and Sustainability Framework. 

Our Vision

The City's vision for the future of the Kwinana community is: 

A unique and liveable City, celebrated for and connected by its diverse community, natural beauty and economic opportunities.

This vision forms the foundation of the City's Strategic Community Plan, with each part of the vision represented as a specific community aspiration. To achieve these aspirations, clearly defined community outcomes have been identified. These outcomes further illustrate how the community would like the City of Kwinana to look in 10 years' time. 

Strategic Community Plan

The City of Kwinana's Strategic Community Plan (SCP) outlines the vision, outcomes and strategic objectives for the community over the next 10 years. It's a ​strategic roadmap of where the community want to go and how we're going to get there. ​

More importantly, the Plan is based on extensive community consultation which included thousands of pieces of feedback compiled into a distinct vision.

View the Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031.

Sustainability Framework

As outlined in our Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031, the City of Kwinana has committed to align with the globally recognised set of 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The City of Kwinana Sustainability Framework has been developed to facilitate sustainability being applied across the City’s operations and strategic approach. The Sustainability Framework addresses all four components of sustainability: social, economic, environmental and governance.

The development process included engagement with our community and staff to determine our local sustainability priorities.

There are two main components within the Sustainability Framework.

Sustainability Guiding Principles

These are a set of eight principles that will be applied across the City’s operations to check if planning and decisions support the sustainable outcomes they represent. These are further described within the Sustainability Framework.

Priority Areas

The framework also includes a set of seven Priority Areas, as below. These are more specific, only apply to particular work areas and are intended to provide additional guidance and direction to help achieve the outcomes that they identify. These are further described within the Sustainability Framework

For more information, please refer to the Sustainability Framework.

Community Outcomes

The City’s vision is supported by five community outcomes:

  1. A naturally beautiful environment that is enhanced and protected
  2. A resilient and thriving economy with exciting opportunities
  3. Infrastructure and services that are affordable and contribute to health and wellbeing
  4. A unique, vibrant and healthy City that is safe, connected and socially diverse
  5. Visionary leadership dedicated to acting for its community

These outcomes are activated by the City’s strategic objectives and the achievement of these strategic objectives is delivered through the City’s driving strategies/plans, supporting services and key projects.

Updating the Vision and SCP Review

The SCP is required to undertake a major review once every four years, with a minor review every two years to ensure that the community’s changing aspirations are reflected.

The last major review of the City’s SCP occurred in 2021, with a minor review being completed in 2023. The SCP will undertake its next major review in 2025.

Integrated Planning Framework

Strategic documents created by the City, including the Strategic Community Plan and the Corporate Business Plan, inform one another to develop the overall vision for the City.

This image shows how the City of Kwinana approaches integrated planning.

Corporate Business Plan

The City’s Corporate Business plan takes a wide range of factors such as budget, workforce and assets to set specific actions to bring the community’s vision to life. The Corporate Business Plan outlines what the City is going to do to help achieve the outcomes of the Strategic Community Plan.

Corporate Business Plan 2021-25​

Key Informing Plans and Reporting

To ensure accurate and effective planning for the future, the City gathers information from multiple informing strategies and plans. This ensures all of the City’s current and future strategies and plans are focussed on achieving the community’s vision.

Key informing documents include:

​​The City reports regularly on progress toward achieving the community’s vision. Quarterly progress reports for the recently reviewed Strategic Community Plan. Progress made towards the Strategic Community Plan is reported biannually and in the Annual Report.

Visit the Publications and Forms page to view more of the City's corporate publications and guiding documents. 

Social Strategy

You may have recently participated in the 'Strategic Community Plan’ (SCP) consultation process. This helped the City of Kwinana understand your vision for the community and your priorities across environmental, economic, social and governance areas.

To assist the City’s SCP vision, we have a range of specific Strategies that provide more detailed guidance about where to focus our efforts. This is where the Social Strategy will sit. We have Action Plans that sit below the Social Strategy that specifically refer to the programs, infrastructure, services and policies that will be implemented to address those priorities. These carry through to our annual Budget and Corporate Business Plan, and most importantly flow through to City officer’s Individual Work Plans, which, lead to actions that achieve your vision. 

View the City's Social Strategy.

Six coloured squares read 'lead from where you stand', 'act with compassion', 'make it fun', 'stand strong, stand true', 'trust and be trusted' and 'why not yes?'

Our Values 

The City of Kwinana has established a core set of organisational values, which help drive our decision-making and underpin our approach to service delivery. Our values are:

  • Lead from where you stand
  • Act with compassion
  • Make it fun
  • Stand strong, stand true
  • Trust and be trusted
  • Why not yes?

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