Access and Inclusion Reference Group

The City employs a Community Development Officer - Inclusion and Healthy Ageing who works with City directorates and the community to ensure events, services, City facilities, and information are as accessible and inclusive as possible. The Diversity Officer also facilitates the Access and Inclusion Reference Group and can be contacted on (08) 9439 0200.

Tanya, the recipient of the Order Of Australia, shares her inspiring story of how her own disability empowered her to improve Kwinana's accessibility for others. If you would like to make an impact or have your say, join Kwinana's Access and Inclusion Reference Group.

The City of Kwinana has established an Access and Inclusion Reference Group (AIRG) to provide advice to the City on matters related to access and inclusion and to support the development, implementation, review and evaluation of various strategies, plans, services and other initiatives.

The AIRG will provide City Officers with a reference point to seek comment and advice from community members who experience barriers to access and inclusion. It will be a key source of advice to ensure that equality related to disability, access and inclusion is upheld.

The purpose of the group is to:

  • Provide comment on City of Kwinana relevant plans and strategies including the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2022-2027 (DAIP);
  • Advocate for the rights and needs of all people;
  • Provide representative input and advice on items referred to the Access and Inclusion Reference Group by City of Kwinana administration, including but not limited to relevant development applications, plans for events, identified City-initiated projects or programs, and proposals for works on City-managed property.

Meetings will be held at a date, time and location convenient to members of the Group and where possible will not fall during school holidays. A minimum of four meetings are to be held each year. Meetings will be scheduled for a duration of up to two hours.

How to Become a Member

If you believe that you can provide valuable input into this group, we invite you to express your interest below.

Please select any that apply

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Post:   Community Development Officer- Diversity

City of Kwinana, PO Box 21 Kwinana WA 6966

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