Rates Appeals and Objections

Find out about rates appeals and objections, including objections to a rates notice, Rate Book entry or property valuation.

Object to a Rate Notice

Each rate notice details the characteristics of:

  • The rating category (based on the property's zoning and land use)
  • The Rate in the dollar and minimum payment amount. ​

Any ratepayer can object in writing to the City within 42 days of the issue of a rate notice.

Object to a Rate Book Entry

The Rate Book, which is maintained annually, contains the following details:

  • The full names of the property owners
  • The Gross Rental Value (GRV) valuation of each property 
  • The amount of rates levied. ​

Any ratepayer can object in writing to the City if the ownership details, GRV valuation or amount of rates levied is incorrectly shown in a Rate Book entry.                                                                                                     

Objections to the Rate Book must be made within 42 days of the date of issue in writing to the City.

Appeal a Property Valuation

A ratepayer may lodge an appeal against the valuation of a property with Landgate Valuation Services within 60 days of date of issue of the rate notice. An objection can be on grounds that a valuation is unfair, inequitable or incorrect.

An objection to a valuation should:

  • Be made in writing
  • Give a full description of the property
  • Clearly state the reasons for the objection.

Please refer to the ‘Lodge an Objection/Appeal’ section below for more information.

Revaluation and Interim Rates

Whenever a new valuation is received from Landgate Valuation Services, the City is required by legislation to apply that valuation and reassess the rates levied for that property.

Any amount already levied for the financial year is taken into account when calculating interim rates. An interim rate notice for the difference is raised.

A copy of the interim notice will be sent to any settlement agents involved at the time. Settlement agents often hold monies in trust to pay rates. Contact your settlement agent if this is the case.

Lodge an Objection/Appeal

Objections should be lodged directly to Landgate Valuation Services, this can be done online or via post.

The online objection form is now available on Landgate’s webpage Lodging an Objection.

You can also send by post to Landgate Valuation Services:

PO BOX 2222


Phone: 9273 7373

Rates Exemption Application

Some organisations may be eligible to apply for a rates exemption, as outlined in Section 6.26(2) of the Local Government Act 1995.

Eligible organisations include charities, religious schools, government agencies, crown land, religious bodies, and those stated in other written law or for Local Government Minister approval.

To apply for a rates exemption, please complete the rates exemption form and submit it, along with supporting documentation, to rates@kwinana.wa.gov.au. A formal written response will be issued following the assessment of your application. 

Please note that rates exemptions will remain in place unless specific details of the exemption change, or until the next review period, usually between 1-3 years. In the review period, it will be determined if the exemption will be continued. 

More Information

For further information about lodging an objection or appeal visit the Landgate website​.

For general information about rates please contact us on 9439 0200 or email rates@kwinana.wa.gov.au.​

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