Plans and Strategies

The City of Kwinana has a range of strategic plans in place to establish a vision, and set the goals and direction for the City’s future.

Strategic Community Plan

The Strategic Community Plan sets out the long term vision of the Kwinana community over the next 10 years. This strategic roadmap outlines where the community want to go and how we are going to get there.

To ensure that the community’s changing aspirations are reflected, a minor review of the plan ins undertaken every two years, and a major review every four years.

The Strategic Community Plan follows the below structure;

  1. Vision – what the community want
  2. Outcomes – what the community want
  3. Strategic Objectives – what we will do

Alongside the City’s Corporate Business Plan, this plan guides all the work the City undertakes.

View the City's Strategic Community Plan

Corporate Business Plan

The Corporate Business Plan guides the City toward achieving the outcomes and strategic objectives outlined in the Strategic Community Plan. Incorporating factors such as budget, workforce and assets, the Corporate Business Plan sets specific actions to help bring the community’s vision to life.

View the City's Corporate Business Plan

Long Term Financial Plan

The Long Term Financial Plan is an important financial tool that strives to achieve the strategies set out in the Strategic Community Plan. This plan provides the City with a picture of the City’s long term financial circumstances and assists in its efforts to meet the outcomes and strategic objectives.

In conjunction with the Corporate Business Plan, Asset Management Plan and Workforce Plan, the Long Term Financial Plan aims to achieve the City’s goals and drive its vision of being “A unique and liveable City, celebrated for and connected by its diverse community, natural beauty and economic opportunities.”

View the City's Long Term Financial Plan 

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan assists the City of Kwinana in ensuring services, community events, information and facilities are accessible for those with disabilities.

It is a legislative requirement under the WA Disability Services Act (1993) that each Local Government has a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.

This plan ensures that all community members including elderly, parents with prams and people from cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds have access to City services.

View the City's Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 

Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

The City of Kwinana progressed through the development and implementation of its initial Reflect RAP and will continue to progress conciliation through the implementation of the City’s Innovate RAP. Over the next two years, the City will be delivering on its Innovate RAP which will support the City to deepen its impact by helping to set measurable targets across the organisation.

The City has developed and maintained strong relationships with Elders and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members who live and work in and around Kwinana. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have expressed a need for increased awareness of histories and cultures among the wider community and aspire to develop a strong sense of pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth and children.

The purpose of this plan is to:

• further develop and strengthen the relationship between the City and the community; and

• embed the practice of consulting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities on City business. In particular, when developing frameworks and strategies that have the greatest impacts on our community, but also, when developing programs, events, activities and services within the City.

This Reconciliation Action Plan is created to identify and support the achievement of community aspirations, build capacity and create pathways for future employment. We understand conciliation is a journey and we hope to learn and adapt as we progress.

View the City's Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan.

Additional Plans and Documents

For more corporate publications, visit the Publications and Forms page.

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