The City of Kwinana strives to keep our community beautiful.
To enhance and protect our environment, the City is committed to preventing litter and illegal dumping, removing litter and illegal dumping as soon as practicable, and educating our community as litter and illegal dumping can cause significant environmental, social and economic impacts, including reduced visual amenity, harm to wildlife and costly clean-ups.
The City created a Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan in 2023 outlining goals, as well as actions planned to achieve our goals.
The goals of this plan are to:
- Reduce litter and illegal dumping
- Improve how litter and illegal dumping is managed
- Increase community awareness and empowerment
To find out more, view our plan here:
Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan 2023
It is an infringeable offence to litter or illegally dump waste under the City's Waste Local Law and the Litter Act 1979
Help prevent litter
We need your help to keep our natural environment litter free. If you see something, say something!
You can report litter by contacting the City at 9439 0200 or by sending us an email at or simply Report It 24/7 here.
Report it
Keep Australia Beautiful
Adopt-a-Spot empowers individuals, community groups, businesses and schools to contribute to a cleaner environment. Keep Australia Beautiful provide free resources and clean-up kits to help registered volunteers keep their chosen area clean.
The City has partnered with Keep Australia Beautiful WA (KABWA) to support the Adopt-a-Spot litter program.
To find out more and to register, visit Adopt-a-Spot.

Litter Hotspots
- Abingdon Park - Abingdon crescent
- Calista oval
- Eden Park
- Gilmore Collage - Orelia oval
- Honeywood playground - Lyon road
- Johnson Road (Thomas to Sulphur road)
- Millar Road (Wellard to Woolcoot)
- Postans Road
- Sulphur Road
- The Marketplace, Kwinana Town Centre - Car park,Chisham ave, Meares ave
- Thomas Road
- Wells Park
- Worrall Court
Do not overfill public bins
Overfilling bins often create unsightly litter that damages our beautiful natural environment. Weather and animals can easily remove the overflowing waste from a bin. If a public bin is full, please take your rubbish home and place it in your bin.
Secure your load
If you have loaded your trailer or ute, remember to secure your load and prevent litter. Unsecured loads can cause unsightly roadside litter and can be dangerous.
Visit Unsecured Load Unsafe Road to find out more.
Close your bin lid
Ensure that your bin lids are closed when you present your bins for collection and that they are not overfull. This will assist to reduce accidental litter ending up in our natural environment.
Overfilling your bins may result in an infringement under the City’s Waste Local Law.
In accordance with the Litter Act, any litter blown out of your bin or removed by animals due to misuse is your responsibility. You are required to clean your waste up to ensure that the environment is not negatively impacted by your waste.
Abandoned shopping trolleys
To report abandoned shopping trolleys, please contact the relevant agency.
Keep Australia Beautiful
Adopt-a-Spot empowers individuals, community groups, businesses and schools to contribute to a cleaner environment. Keep Australia Beautiful provide free resources and clean-up kits to help registered volunteers keep their chosen area clean.
The City has partnered with Keep Australia Beautiful WA (KABWA) to support the Adopt-a-Spot litter program.
To find out more and to register, visit Adopt-a-Spot.
Clean Up Australia Day
Get your friends, family, neighbours and local community group together to make an impact that improves our environment. Clean up Australia will send a free starter kit that contains bags, gloves and everything to create a safe, fun and effective Clean Up.
The City supports registered participants by collecting bags of litter from nominated locations. Please contact the City if you require a pickup before your event occurs on 9439 0200 or send us an email at
To register a site, visit Clean Up Australia Day.