The Local Government is required to publish a link to the signed minutes on its website in accordance with regulation 44(7) of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Amendment Regulations 2011.
In accordance with regulation 39 of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Amendment Regulations 2011, please find attached the Agenda for the upcoming Development Assessment Panel (DAP) meeting.
The City recognises the social model of disability. We are committed to investigating ways to remove barriers to access and inclusion that may restrict a person’s abilities. The City is committed to actively promoting environments and services in which all people are valued and have the choices to live their best lives.
The development of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) is guided by The Western Australian Disability Services Act 1993 (Amended 2004). The Act requires all Local Governments to develop and implement a DAIP. This helps ensure that people with disability have equal access to facilities, services and employment opportunities.
Other legislation underpinning access and inclusion includes The Western Australian Equal Opportunity Act 1984 and the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). Both of these ensure that discrimination, on the basis of a person’s disability, is unlawful.
This plan outlines the City’s key strategies to address each of the ‘outcome’ areas of the DAIP:
View the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan - PDF
View the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan - Word Document
View the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan - Easy English PDF