Mosquito prevention around your home
Mosquitoes can breed around your home. They will lay their eggs in fresh or salty water, and often in containers that hold water. Common breeding sites include pot plant drip trays, gutters, ponds, pet water bowls, old tyres, rubbish, containers and pools that are not well maintained.
You can help to prevent mosquitoes breeding around your home by following these simple steps;
• empty out or discard containers and rubbish that may hold water;
• remove stagnant water sources such as pot plant bases and self-watering pots by emptying regularly at least once a week;
• clean out roof gutters to prevent water from pooling;
• ensure fly screens on doors and windows are kept in good condition;
• empty, clean and refill bird baths, stock troughs and pet water bowls at least once a week;
• keep swimming pools properly maintained, chlorinated and free of debris or emptied;
• empty wading pools at the end of each day;
• stock backyard ponds with fish to eat mosquito larvae;
• cover rainwater and septic tank openings, wells or other large water containers with mosquito-proof mesh; and
• keep edges of ponds clear of vegetation.
Home Mosquito Prevention
Personal protection
Personal Protection and Mosquito Management in Kwinana.
If mosquitoes continue to be a problem around your home, please contact the City's Environmental Health Department on 9439 0475.
Is there a bee hive on Council verges or parks that requires removal? Is there a bee problem in one of the reserves or bushland managed by the Council?
Find out how to report a problem on the keeping bees page.
European wasps
European wasps are declared pests in Western Australia and must be reported to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
Every year, fertilised European wasp queens are accidentally transported into our state in freight, cargo and vehicles from Eastern Australia. They must be detected and eradicated if we are to remain free of this pest.
There are distinctive characteristics between European wasps and other wasp species and insects in Western Australia.
Find out how to identify European Wasps.
Rats are a major health risk to the community. They can assist in the transmission of serious diseases.
There are many ways you can prevent rats becoming unwanted visitors on your property;
- regularly remove garden waste and other disused material from your yard;
- remove fallen fruits and nuts from trees to reduce food sources (this also assists with fly prevention;
- keep pet food and dishes clean and only feed pets enough food for the day;
- store pet food in rodent-proof containers;
- ensure any compost heaps/bins are covered of kept free of holes to reduce th access of scraps by rodents;
- install first generation anticoagulant rodent baiting stations around your yard and monitor them to ensure that an adequate bait supply is maintained;
- set traps in areas of harbourage; and
- block any potential access points/holes around your home, such as around air conditioning services or electrical conduit entries into the roof cavity (please ensure that you do not seal up 'weepholes' or other ventilation bricks required to remove moisture from your home cavities).
Rodent bait can be an effective way to rid your property of pests. Make sure you follow the guidelines for the safety of you, your family and your pets.
Secondary poisoning has been detected in several species such as bobtail lizards, snakes, and dingoes and birds of prey.
The City recommends to use only the less harmful baits containing the active ingredient coumatetralyl (e.g. Warfarin or Coumatetralyl) and carefully follow package instructions. Do not use second generation anticoagulant rodenticides with difenacoum, brodifacoum, bromadiolone or difethialone.
Note: If the problem in your area persists, one of the City’s Environmental Health Officers may visit your property to discuss rodent activity further with you. Rodents can be controlled where neighbours work cooperatively to limit food and harbourage.
For further information about selection and using rodent control safely to prevent secondary poisoning, please see BirdLife Australia brochure regarding bird-friendly rodent control.
Termites – also called white ants – occur naturally throughout Australia. There are many species. Only a few species pose a major threat to buildings because they eat wood and other materials containing cellulose plant fibre. If left unchecked, they can destroy both the strength and appearance of timbers in buildings.
Because the termite nest is often beneath the soil surface, entry into a building can go unnoticed as severe structural damage may take a long time to become visible. If termites are discovered on your property there is no need to panic, but they do need to be investigated by a registered pest control operator. The Building Code of Australia stipulates that all new buildings require some form of protection from termite entry.
Protection can take the form of a chemical barrier or a physical barrier, or a combination of the two.
For more information, see Treatment Against Entry of Termites.
Information handouts
A range of pests can affect your property and propose a health risk for people. Below are handouts on a range of different pests and nuisances and actions you can take to prevent or treat the problem.