- Contact the Rangers: The City Rangers can be notified of the barking complaint via:
- Owner to be notified: On receiving the initial complaint, a City Ranger will attempt to mediate the situation by contacting the dog owner to notify them of the complaint and offering advice on ways to minimise the nuisance barking.
- Process outline received: Both the dog owner and affected person will receive a letter explaining the process.
- Correction Period: The dog owner will be given a 14-day grace period to address and reduce the nuisance barking issue.
Important note: The affected person must be able to accurately identify the location of the dog owner's property.
- Begin a barking diary: If the nuisance barking continues beyond the initial 14-day correction period, notify the City’s Rangers and commence a barking diary. The affected person will need to maintain a barking diary for an additional 14 days, documenting specific details such as the number of barks, howls, or whines, as well as the duration of barking each day.
Important note: In cases where the initial diaries do not provide sufficient evidence to progress to the next step, the Ranger reserves the right to request additional diaries from the complainant. - Complete an official complaint: Once the 14-day diary period concludes, if the problem remains unresolved, the complainant is obligated to complete an official complaint form (Form 7), in compliance with the Dog Act 1976.
- Submit documentation: The completed complaint form (Form 7) and the barking diary are to be submitted to City Rangers for evaluation.
- Provide any additional evidence: City Rangers may also consider any additional supporting evidence, such as CCTV footage with audio, to support the complaint. The City Rangers may also engage with immediate neighbours to gather additional evidence regarding the ongoing nuisance barking.
Important note: The affected person should be aware that if the matter goes to court, they may need to attend court.