Dog Complaints

Find out about different dog complaints, including barking dogs, dangerous dogs and restricted breeds, dog attacks and wandering dogs.

Dog attacks

A dog attack does not have to result in injury to be considered an attack.

Dog attacks can include:

  • Biting a person or animal
  • Acting aggressively or chasing: When in a public place, and not on private property, a dog may chase or act aggressively towards a person or animal, if not under effective control.

How to report a dog attack

During an attack: To report a current dog attack contact Rangers on 9439 0200.

After the attack: If you have witnessed a dog attack, you can report it after it has occurred online via our report it form.

Barking dogs

All dogs bark, however, if you feel the barking is excessing and has become a nuisance, below are the recommended steps to manage a barking dog complaint. 

How to lodge a complaint

Step 1: Notify the dog owner
  1. Speak with the dog owner: When confronted with ongoing and unreasonable dog barking, residents are encouraged to speak with their neighbour about the issue and in particular when the barking is occurring and the effect it is having.
  2. Complete a Neighbour Notification Dog Barking Form: If the affected person is not comfortable speaking to the dog owner, they can complete and drop off a Neighbour Notification Form  as an informal way to advise the dog owner of the issues.
  3. Contact the Rangers: If the barking persists, the next step is to contact the City Rangers to initiate a formal process.
Step 2: Involve City Rangers
  1. Contact the Rangers: The City Rangers can be notified of the barking complaint via:
  2. Owner to be notified: On receiving the initial complaint, a City Ranger will attempt to mediate the situation by contacting the dog owner to notify them of the complaint and offering advice on ways to minimise the nuisance barking.
  3. Process outline received: Both the dog owner and affected person will receive a letter explaining the process. 
  4. Correction Period: The dog owner will be given a 14-day grace period to address and reduce the nuisance barking issue.

Important note: The affected person must be able to accurately identify the location of the dog owner's property.

Step 3: If unreasonable barking continues
  1. Begin a barking diary: If the nuisance barking continues beyond the initial 14-day correction period, notify the City’s Rangers and commence a barking diary. The affected person will need to maintain a barking diary for an additional 14 days, documenting specific details such as the number of barks, howls, or whines, as well as the duration of barking each day.  

    Important note: In cases where the initial diaries do not provide sufficient evidence to progress to the next step, the Ranger reserves the right to request additional diaries from the complainant.
  2. Complete an official complaint: Once the 14-day diary period concludes, if the problem remains unresolved, the complainant is obligated to complete an official complaint form (Form 7), in compliance with the Dog Act 1976.
  3. Submit documentation: The completed complaint form (Form 7) and the barking diary are to be submitted to City Rangers for evaluation.
  4. Provide any additional evidence: City Rangers may also consider any additional supporting evidence, such as CCTV footage with audio, to support the complaint. The City Rangers may also engage with immediate neighbours to gather additional evidence regarding the ongoing nuisance barking.

Important note: The affected person should be aware that if the matter goes to court, they may need to attend court.  

Step 4: Issuing a Noise Abatement Notice
  1. If the evidence from the barking diaries and other sources are deemed sufficient proof of nuisance barking, and is confirmed by the Ranger and neighbouring properties, the City may issue a Noise Abatement Notice which directs the dog owner to bring their dog's barking below nuisance levels.
  2. The dog owner will be given a 7-day correction period after issuing of the notice to seek professional assistance and address the barking issue. If the barking continues after the correction period the dog owner may be issued with an infringement notice, for each instance of nuisance barking.
  3. The Noise Abatement Notice remains in effect for a six-month period from the specified date.
Step 5: Enforcement and Reporting
  1. Throughout the six-month period when the Noise Abatement Notice is in effect, the dog owner must ensure their dog does not cause nuisance barking.
  2. The complainant is advised to continue maintaining barking diaries and keep the investigating officer informed of any developments during this period.

Wandering dog

You can report a wandering or found dog within the City of Kwinana via the Report It section of our website.

Report a wandering or found dog

Dangerous dogs

Under the Dog Act 1976, the City of Kwinana may declare a dog ‘dangerous’ if it attacks, shows a tendency to attack or repeatedly threatens or chases people or animals.

Owners of dangerous or aggressive dogs must have their dog:

  • On a lead in public places
  • Muzzled in public places 
  • Suitably confined when on the owner's property
  • Sterilised and registered

For more information, view the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries fact sheets on Dangerous Dogs (Declared).

Restricted breeds

The Dog Act 1976 identifies the following as restricted dog breeds:

  • Pit bull terriers
  • American pit bull terriers
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Japanese tosa 
  • Perro de presa canario 
  • Any crosses of these breeds.

The Dog Act 1976 and the Dog Regulations 2013 provide information on dangerous dogs (restricted breeds). Under the Dog Act a dangerous dog (restricted breed) is defined as a breed whose import into Australia is prohibited. Please see the WA Rangers Restricted Breed Dogs information for a list of current restricted breeds in WA. Please note this includes pure and cross breeds.

You must follow legislative requirements for keeping a restricted breed dog which includes mixed breeds.

More information and contact

For more information on dog complaints please contact the City’s Rangers on 9439 0200 or at

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