The Local Government is required to publish a link to the signed minutes on its website in accordance with regulation 44(7) of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Amendment Regulations 2011.
In accordance with regulation 39 of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Amendment Regulations 2011, please find attached the Agenda for the upcoming Development Assessment Panel (DAP) meeting.
Learn how food poisoning occurs and how to stop the spread of harmful bacteria in your kitchen. From proper handwashing to using separate cutting boards, discover simple tips to keep your food safe and prevent contamination.
Food poisoning happens when food that has been contaminated with bacteria is eaten.
Bacteria that cause food poisoning cannot move on their own – they are spread from one place to another by incorrect food handling practices or by contact with pets, flies or other pests.
Warm, soapy water is the best option for washing your hands when they are visibly dirty. Follow these simple tips to ensure good hand hygiene.
An alcohol-based hand rub (hand sanitiser) is a good way to clean your hands if you don't have access to soap and water. Hand sanitiser is only effective if your hands have no visible dirt on them.
To use hand sanitiser:
Remember, whenever you are preparing food, you should always use hygienic practices.
Tips on safe food handling in the home, including the preparation of a dish using a raw egg sauce, are available in the video clip
Food Safety Fundamentals with Adam Liaw