Keeping school lunchboxes

Protect your child from food poisoning by keeping their lunch fresh and safe. Use insulated lunch boxes, frozen drink bottles, or freezer bricks to keep cold foods chilled. Store lunches in cool places and remind your child to wash their hands before eating.

Keeping School Lunches Safe and Fresh

The harmful bacteria that cause food poisoning can grow quickly between 5c and 60c so it’s important to keep lunch boxes cool. Young children are more at risk from food poisoning because their bodies and natural immune systems are not fully developed.

To protect your children, you should follow some simple steps:

  • Use insulated lunch boxes or cooler bags
  • Pack a frozen drink bottle or freezer brick inside the lunch box or bag, next to foods that should be kept cold, for example cheeses, yoghurts, meats and salads
  • If making lunches ahead of time, keep them in the fridge until leaving for school or freeze them in advance. Foods that freeze well include bread, cooked meat, cheese or Vegemite.
  • Remind your children to keep packed lunches in their school bag and to keep their bag out of direct sunlight and away from heat, ideally in a cool, dark place such as a locker

Finally, remind your child to always wash their hands before eating food.

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