The Local Government is required to publish a link to the signed minutes on its website in accordance with regulation 44(7) of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Amendment Regulations 2011.
In accordance with regulation 39 of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Amendment Regulations 2011, please find attached the Agenda for the upcoming Development Assessment Panel (DAP) meeting.
Important Information: Requests will be assessed by the City during business hours and, if required, will be scheduled onto the relevant work schedule for completion. Any urgent enquiries should be phoned through to 9439 0200, the City’s customer service number during business and after hour service contact. For police assistance call 131 444 or in the case of an emergency please contact 000.
For more information about public health issues including food, noise or pollution issue please visit the City’s public health webpage.
Minor waste or pollution issues can be reported below, however for serious pollution and hazardous materials emergencies, please report it to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) 24 hour Pollution Hotline on 1300 784 782 or for non-time critical incidents via the DWER report pollution form.
Report dust or smoke issues such as dust from construction activities or smoke from woodheaters, burning of rubbish, refuse or other hazardous materials.
Report wastewater or spill pollution in public places such as sewage overflows, grey water or pool water discharge, wastewater discharge or other water quality issues.
Report an issue to do with odour. Please note you must know the source of the odour to report an issue.
Report an issue on a neighbouring property in relation to poultry, pigeons, bees, horses and other animals.
Report issues on a neighbouring private property to do with rats or mice, bees or beehives, pigeons, bird feeding, mosquitos or other vermin or pests.
Report a food issue or contaminated food purchased from a local commercial food business.
Enquire about registering a food business or make a food business trading enquiry.
Submit an application to cancel your local commercial food business.
Report an ongoing noise issue from a neighboring property. Please note, noise from antisocial behaviour (screaming or swearing) or loud parties is to be reported to the police on 131 444.
Submit an enquiry in relations to obtaining a health permit and to request information around health regulations.