Justice of the Peace

Find out when the Justice of the Peace service is available at the Kwinana Public Library and the services they can assist with.


A Justice of the Peace (JP) is available at the Kwinana Public Library:

  • Wednesday: 9am to 12noon
  • Thursday (fortnightly): 9am to 12noon
  • Saturday: 9.15am to 11.45am

Justices of the Peace are volunteers and may not always be available. Please contact the Library on 9236 4300 or library@kwinana.wa.gov.au to check if they are available before visiting.

No appointment required - the service operates on a first come first served basis.

Justice of the Peace services

A Justice of the Peace is able to witness documents such as Affidavits, Statutory Declarations, Enduring Powers of Attorney, and certify documents.

For further information, including a database of JPs across WA, visit the Government of Western Australia website.

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