Councillor Matthew Rowse


P: 0400 206 008

Term expires: 2025​


I was raised in the suburb of Di​anella and travelled to England in 1994 where I lived and worked for seven years. I first moved to the City of Kwinana in 2006, residing in Calista before relocating to Wellard in 2010. 

I am married and a father of two children who attend Peter Carnley Anglican Community School.

Professional Experience

My employment history is varied, with roles ranging from a police officer, a bookie, home renovator and operating a mobile dog grooming business before becoming the primary carer of my children when our first child was born. 

The experiences and knowledge I have received from these positions have given me a very strong community focus and that was further progressed when I devoted my spare time as a stay-at-home-dad to forming the Village at Wellard Residents Association and joined the committees of the Kwinana Junior Knights Football Club and the P&F at Peter Carnley Anglican Community School.


Representation on City of Kwinana Committees ​

  • Local Emergency Management Committee - Chair
  • Boola Maara (Many Hands) Advisory Group
  • Community Awards Assessment Panel
  • Local Commercial Support Grant Panel

Representation on External Committees

  • Joint Development Assessment Panel


I have a strong interest in planning for and creating liveable and inclusive suburbs where residents can become actively involved with their neighbours and the community. The needs of families and children are of utmost importance to me, as is the safety and security of residents.  

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