In accordance with regulation 44(7) of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Amendment Regulations 2011, please find attached finalised minutes of the Metro Outer meeting on 5 February 2025.
Information on your bin collection day, recycling week, and how the City can support you with your bin service.
Verge collections are provided to residential properties paying for a waste service charge. Find your verge collection weeks as well as how to use...
The City is thrilled to announce that we will be implementing a three bin Garden Organics (GO) System in our beautiful City.
The City will launch our new pre-booked verge collection system for bulky waste in our City in July 2025! Find out more about how this system will...
Find out where to dispose hazardous waste such as asbestos, batteries, light globes, aerosol cans and e-waste. This page will also advise you where...
Find out more about reducing your waste at home, work and school.
Learn how to help to keep our natural environment clean. Find out how to prevent illegal dumping, report incidents and prevent litter ending up in...
Keep updated with how the City of Kwinana is preforming in the waste space. This page provides City statistics, information on the Waste Local Law,...
The new Energy Recovery facility, located in the City of Kwinana, is the first of its kind in Australia.