Upcoming Collections
To find bulk and green waste collection dates for your area:
- Open Intramaps*
- Click on the ‘Address Search’ tab located in the bottom left section of the page
- Insert your property address details
- Select ‘Search’.
Verge Collection 2024/25

Handy hint: Keep track of your collection area by marking this on your Waste and Recycling Guide.
The Waste and Recycling Guide is delivered to each household in June for the following financial year. If you have not received a hard copy of the Waste and Recycling Guide, contact Waste Services on 9439 0200 or email customer@kwinana.wa.gov.au.
Waste and Recycling Guide
Bulk Waste Collection
The City provides two bulk verge collection to residential properties, paying the waste service charge per year.
We will collect items sorted into four separate piles:
- White goods (fridges, stoves, ovens, etc.) and all metal products - detach doors from fridges and freezers
- E-waste
- Mattresses (maximum 2)
- Accepted bulk waste

Items we do not collect:
- Glass, including plate glass, mirrors, shower screens and glass in furniture
- Tyres or motor vehicle parts
- Construction/ demolition materials, including bricks, paving, tiles, toilet cisterns, concrete, wire, sand or cement
- Asbestos or fence sheeting
- Garden organics and food waste
- Fire extinguishers, EPIRBs or flares
- Hazardous waste, i.e. chemicals, oils, paint, pesticides, solvents, batteries, gas bottles or aerosol cans
- Items over 1.5 metres in length and over 3 cubic metres of waste collectively.
- Unsorted waste
- Bean bags
Any items that are not collected must be removed within five (5) working days. Failure to remove prohibited items off verge may result in an infringement under the City’s Waste Local Law 2022.
Once your items have been collected, please ensure you conduct a quick clean up of any broken pieces left behind. It will help protect the local environment as it could be washed into local waterways or could harm animals.
Green Waste Collection
The City provides three green waste verge collection to residential properties paying the waste service charge per year.
Green waste we collect:
- Tree branches and shrub prunings
- Items less than 1.5 metres in length
- Items less than 300mm in diameter
- Items placed with cut ends towards the street

Items we do not collect:
- Green waste placed in boxes, plastic bags, chaff or hessian sacks
- Lawn clippings, weed, plant roots
- Sand and soil
- Treated wood or sawn timber
- General household rubbish or junk
- Green waste contaminated with rubbish, wire or plastic
- Branches/limbs longer than 1.5 metres (maximum length 1.5 metres)
- Tree trunks, stumps or limbs larger than 300mm in diameter (maximum diameter 300mm)
- More than 3 cubic metres of green waste
Lawn clippings, leaves and smaller cuttings are ideal for composting or can be placed in your general waste bin (not recycling bin) for disposal.
Guidelines to Ensure Waste is Collected
- Place waste on the verge on your scheduled weekend. The contractor will only check the verge once and starts at 6am on your starting Monday.
- If you're sharing a verge with a neighbour, notify the City prior to collection start date.
- Place waste on the verge one metre back from the kerb, taking care not to obstruct footpaths, bus shelters, line of sight or create a safety hazard.
- Place items at least one metre clear of vehicles, trees, water meters, fences, letterboxes, reticulation and sprinklers to allow collection without causing damage.
- Make sure there is no more than 3 cubic metres of waste.
- Excess waste will not be collected.
- Do not put bulk waste out prior to your nominated weekend as you may receive an infringement under the City's Waste Local Law.
- Do not follow your neighbour. Please check your collection dates. Crews will not return if you miss your collection.
- If your property is situated in a laneway, or doesn’t have a verge complete Request for Alternative Verge Waste Collection Location.
- If you think your waste has been missed, contact the City with 5 working days of your collection week concluding. If you contact us after 5 working days, we will not be able to send a truck back to your area.
For more information about verge collection, please contact the City’s on 9439 0200.
Waste Disposal Locations
The City of Kwinana does not have its own landfill facility, however residents are able to use the facilities in the City of Cockburn and the City of Rockingham.
Please note: fees apply for both facilities.
Millar Road Landfill (City of Rockingham)
The Millar Road Landfill Facility is located at Millar Road West, Baldivis.
Tel: 08 9528 8550
Fax: 08 9524 2519
Opening Hours
7.30am to 4pm, seven days per week (excludes Good Friday and Christmas Day)
Find out more about the Millar Road Landfill Facility.
Henderson Landfill Site (City of Cockburn)
The Henderson Waste Recovery Park is located at 920 Rockingham Road in Henderson.
Tel: 08 9411 3444
Opening Hours
8am to 4.30pm, seven days per week (excludes Christmas Day, New Year's Day and Good Friday)
Find out more about the Henderson Landfill Site.