How Council Meetings Work

City of Kwinana Council Meetings are fully open to the public and provide an opportunity to listen and contribute to the development of the Kwinana community.

Public Question Time

During Council meetings, members of the public have the opportunity to ask questions at 'Public Question Time'.

The minimum time for Public Question Time is 15 minutes.

How it works 

  1. If you would like to ask a question, complete the Public Question Time Form. These can be emailed to by 4pm on the day of the meeting or handed in at the meeting.
  2. At the meeting, the Presiding Member will call for public questions
  3. When invited to speak, you will be required to state your name, suburb and your question
  4. The Presiding Member will answer your questions if possible, or refer to another Elected Member, or City Officer
  5. If the question cannot be answered on the night, it will be taken on notice and you will be advised of the answer in writing
  6. A summary of your question and the response will be documented in the minutes.

Important notes:

  • There must be no interruptions apart from during the public question time.
  • Members of the public are not permitted to participate in debate.


A petition to Council is a formal written request, signed by residents. Petitions relate to a cause or subject that Council has the authority to deal with.

How it works

Collect signatures on your petition

To submit your petition either:

  • Post your petition to the Chief Executive Officer, whom will arrange for the petition to be presented at the next Council meeting;
  • Give it to an Elected Member, whom you have discussed the petition; or
  • Present to petition at a Council Meeting yourself.
  • If your petition is accepted by Council, the matter will be referred to the relevant City Officer/s, for a report to be prepared on the issue
  • You will be advised in writing of Council’s decision.

Important notes:


During the Deputations segment of the Agenda (and with the consent of the Presiding Member), any person may speak on any matter on the Agenda. 

How it works

  1. Complete the Deputation Request Form
  2. Written notice of a request to make a Deputation must be given to the Presiding Member by 12 noon, on the day of the meeting.
  3. A written copy of the Deputation must be provided to the Council Administration Officer at the meeting (or following the meeting), so that your community submission can be accurately recorded.
  4. The person's speaking right is to be exercised before the Council debates the particular agenda item. 

Please note: The maximum period for Deputation is 15 minutes.


Prior approval must be sought by the Presiding Member prior to a presentation being made at a Council meeting.

How it works

  1. Any person or group wishing to make a presentation to the Council shall advise the CEO in writing before 12 noon on the day of the meeting.
  2. Where the CEO receives a request, the CEO shall refer it to the presiding member of the Council and/or committee who shall determine whether the presentation should be received.
  3. Names of the person/group making the presentation and relevant details must be provided to the Council Administration Officer at the meeting (or following the meeting), so that your presentation can be accurately recorded.

Please note: A presentation to Council is not to exceed a period of fifteen minutes, without the agreement of Council.

Behind Closed Doors Items

Occasionally, members of the public may be requested by the Presiding Member to temporarily leave the Council Chambers for discussion of a confidential item.

A decision to 'go behind closed doors' for an item of the Council Meeting must be by Council resolution and must be minuted, along with the reason why.

Discussion of the confidential item will not be minuted, although a resolution will be documented in the Council minutes. If and when the public return to the meeting, the Presiding Member will advise of the Council decision on the confidential item.

Declaration of Interest

Elected Members and City Officers in attendance are required by the Local Government Act 1995 to declare the nature of any financial, impartial or proximity interests they have in relation to any item being discussed by Council.

Having done so, they are required to leave the meeting during discussions of the item, unless the Council agrees otherwise.

More information and contacts

For more information please email the City of Kwinana or call 9439 0265.


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