The City of Kwinana permits the keeping of certain animals including bees, poultry, horses, pigeons, aviary birds and other farm animals, provided that the requirements of the City of Kwinana Animal, Environment and Amenity Local Law 2024 (the Local Law) are met.
It is the responsibility of the owner or occupier of the land on which the animal is kept is not causing a nuisance. A good standard of cleanliness and effective pest control are maintained. All animals should be kept in a safe and secure enclosure.
Up to two bee hives may be kept on a property without a permit from the City of Kwinana Environmental Health Department.
If you would like to keep more than two bee hives on your property you must apply for a bee keeping permit in accordance with the requirements of the local law.
Regardless of permit requirements, bees must be kept in accordance with the requirements of the Local Law. Please refer to the Guidelines for the Keeping of Bees for more information.
Is there a bee hive on your property that requires removal?
To report a bee hive and organise safe removal, please contact a bee keeper or pest control operator to have the hive removed.
Is there a bee hive on Council verges or parks that requires removal?
To report a bee hive please contact the City’s Customer Service Team on 9439 0200 or by email.
More information on pest management: Bee Swarms and a list of willing swarm catchers.
Up to 10 poultry is permitted in a residential and special resident zone (excluding roosters, geese, turkeys and peafowl) and up to 25 poultry in a special rural and rural zone without a permit from the City of Kwinana Environmental Health Department.
You can apply for a permit to keep more than 25 poultry in a special rural or rural zone. Application Form – Keeping of More Than 25 Poultry in A Special Rural or Rural Zone
Regardless of permit requirements, poultry must be kept in accordance with the requirements of the Local Law. Please refer to the Local Law and Guidelines for the Keeping of Poultry, Pigeons and Birds.
Up to 10 pigeons may be kept in a residential and special residential zone (excluding roosters geese, turkeys, and peafowl) without approval from the City of Kwinana Environmental Health Department.
Up to 50 pigeons may be kept in a special rural and rural zone without approval from the City of Kwinana Environmental Health Department.
You can apply for a permit to keep more than 50 pigeons in a special rural or rural zone.
Application Form – Keeping of More Than 50 Pigeons in A Special Rural or Rural Zone
Regardless of permit requirements, pigeons must be kept in accordance with the requirements of the Local Law. Please refer to the Guidelines for the Keeping of Poultry, Pigeons and Birds for more information.
To apply to keep horses on your property, you must first apply for planning approval for the use of the land with a management plan for that same property. If you intend to have stables or shelters, as well as associated buildings and facilities, you must then apply for building approvals.
Only rural and special rural zones are permitted for keeping of horses and this is subjected to planning approval with stocking rates determined under the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Stocking Rate Guidelines for Rural Small Holdings.
Aspects to consider include stocking rates, paddocks, stables, fencing, waste management, vegetation, pest control, stormwater management, fertiliser management and irrigation. These matters must be included in any management plan for the keeping of horses that may be required.
Horses must be kept in accordance with the requirements of the Local Law. Please refer to the Guidelines for Keeping of Horses for more information.
Please contact the City’s Planning Department on 9439 0200 or email prior to lodging a planning application.
There are no restrictions on the number of aviary birds. However, you are still required to comply with the requirements for keeping of aviary birds.
Birds must not be kept which causes or is likely to cause a nuisance or emits an unreasonable noise defined under the Environmental Protection Act 1986
Aviary birds must be kept in accordance with the requirements of the Local Law. Please refer to the Guidelines for the Keeping of Poultry, Pigeons and Birds for more information.
Additional information
Cows, sheep, pigs, goats and other livestock
Following approval from the City's Planning team, livestock may be permitted on rural properties within the City of Kwinana.
Farm animals are not permitted in areas of the city zoned as residential.
Farm animals should be prevented from approaching within 18 metres of any premises and kept in an enclosed area capable of preventing the animals from escaping.
Pigs are not permitted within the Jandakot UWPCA.
All farm animals must be kept in accordance with the requirements of the Local Law.