In accordance with regulation 44(7) of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Amendment Regulations 2011, please find attached finalised minutes of the Metro Outer meeting on 5 February 2025.
Find out whether a land use is permissible or if you require a planning approval for future development works.
Most developments, including building, earthworks, and land use changes (whether rural, residential, commercial, or industrial), require approval either from the local government or the WA Planning Commission. Minor outbuildings and small residential additions might be exempt.
Ensure your application is complete, as incomplete applications cannot be assessed and may cause delays.
A ‘deemed-to-comply’ check enables the City to check compliance with the Residential Design Codes, allowing such development proposals to progress straight to the building approval stage. A ‘deemed-to-comply’ check can only be completed for a Single House or additions/alterations to a Single House.
All Subdivision applications are lodged directly with the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and are also determined by WAPC. After a subdivision application has been lodged with the WAPC, it is referred to the Local Government (as well as other relevant public or private agencies such as Water Corp and Western Power).
All subdivision applications must be lodged directly with WAPC for determination via the Planning Online Portal. To begin using the portal, you will first need to register. For information on how to prepare your subdivision application an application guide is available in the WAPC Application Guide.
To obtain clearance of the Local Government conditions from City of Kwinana, a clearance application must be lodged with the City. The City will check that all the conditions have been met and if satisfied, a clearance letter will be issued along with a stamped final survey strata plan/deposited plan prepared by your licenced land surveyor.
If your property is in the Latitude 32 area, also known as the Hope Valley-Wattleup Redevelopment Project, it is part of a special industrial project managed by DevelopmentWA. All development within the Hope Valley area requires Development Approval under the Hope Valley Wattleup Redevelopment Master Plan.
Do not use the City of Kwinana's online portal for these applications. Instead, email your application and documents to:
For more information, visit the DevelopmentWA Latitude 32 project website.
You can find the Latitude 32 Design Guidelines on the DevelopmentWA website.
The City of Kwinana is part of the Metro Outer DAP, which manages development applications in the area. You can find contact details, agendas, and documents on the Department of Planning, Lands, and Heritage website.
Do not use the City of Kwinana's online portal for these applications. Instead, email your application and documents to:
The Mandogalup Improvement Scheme No.1 was gazetted on 8 November 2024 and is now the operative planning scheme for the Mandogalup IP47 area.
The City will be responsible for the consideration and assessment of most development applications in the Improvement Scheme area under delegation from the WAPC.
The applicant needs to:
Visit the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website for further information
Related Documents:
Mandogalup Improvement Scheme No.1 - Scheme
Improvement Scheme – Application for Development Approval
Mandogalup Improvement Scheme No.1 – Scheme Map
Mandogalup Improvement Scheme No.1 – Concept Plan
For more information, contact the City’s Planning Department at 9439 0474 to check your zoning and whether your project needs approval.