Temporary Accommodation Guidelines

Learn about safe camping practices, caravan park requirements, and how to use caravans or Tiny Homes on Wheels (THOWs) on private land with approval. Stay informed on the regulations to ensure safe and legal camping experiences.

Caravans and camping

All camping and caravan use is regulated by the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995 (Act). This legislation ensures that:

  • camping occurs in a safe manner
  • caravan parks and camping grounds provide a sufficient level of services to their customers
  • local governments can enforce health and safety standards.

Caravan parks

Under the Act, all caravan parks must be licensed by their local governments.

The park owner must renew their licence annually and ensure that their park is up to standard and has all the buildings and services required by the Act.

Residents of caravan parks must also comply with certain standards to ensure that the park is safe and enjoyable for everyone.

The complete list of standards is set out in the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997. Additional standards can also be imposed on the park depending on the terms of the park’s licence.

More than one (1) caravan and/or Tiny Homes on Wheels (THOW) on a property would be considered a caravan park/camping ground, and development and building approvals will be required.

Temporary accommodation and camping outside of a caravan park

It is recognised that not everyone wants to camp inside a licensed caravan park. From 1 September 2024, changes to WA’s Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997 enables Local Government to approve the use of a caravan and/or THOW on private land for up to two years. 

Duration of Camping

Allowed Accom Types

Approval Required

Up to 5 nights on private landTent, camper trailer, caravan, THOW*Approval required from property owner
Greater than 5 nights and up to 24 months on private landCamper trailer, caravan, or THOW*Approval required from the property owner and City of Kwinana
Re-applying after 24 monthsCamper trailer, caravan, or THOW*

Approval required from the property owner and City of Kwinana

*Must be capable of being towed/easily removable if required

If a property owner allows short-term camping to occur regularly on their property, they will be operating a caravan park/camping ground and need to comply with the requirements of the Act and obtain the necessary planning and building approvals.

Requirements for caravans and THOWs

Caravans and THOWs are used by many people in WA for a variety of reasons including:

  • temporary housing following a natural disaster
  • staying in a caravan or tiny home on wheels while building or renovating a permanent home
  • for seasonal worker housing
  • to support someone ageing-in-place
  • for holidaymakers
  • other personal circumstances.

It is important that caravans and THOWs are used in a safe and healthy manner. That’s why WA legislation generally restricts the use of caravans to licensed caravan parks, where a certain level of services and utilities must be supplied.

If a person uses a caravan or THOW outside a licensed park without approval or exemption, they risk committing an offence, regardless of whether the land is private or public

Further Information 

For further information or clarification, please refer to the contact the City’s Environmental Health Services on (08) 9439 0250 or via health@kwinana.wa.gov.au or the form below:

FAQs - Temporary Accommodation 

To apply for a Temporary Accomodation, fill in the form below and email it to health@kwinana.wa.gov.au and an invoice will be provided upon application.

Application Form - Temporary Accomodation

What is considered a Tiny House on Wheels (THOW) under the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995?

If a THOW fits the statutory definition of a caravan (i.e. a vehicle fitted for habitation and capable of being towed) then it will fall under the powers of the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995.

Do I need approval to occupy a Tiny Homes on Wheels (THOW) or caravan on my property?

Yes – Regulation 11 and 11A of the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997 allows a person to occupy a THOW or caravan on land that they own or have a right to legally occupy for more than 5 nights in any period of 28 consecutive days, subject to the City’s approval. The THOW or caravan must be capable of being towed and will need to comply with certain health, safety and amenity requirements.

How long can I park a THOW or caravan on my private land or land that I have a right to occupy?

The Caravan Park and Camping Ground Regulations 1997 enable Local Governments to approve the use of a caravan or THOW on private land for up to two years, subject to compliance with health, safety and other standard conditions relevant to the City of Kwinana.  

Can I live permanently in my THOW or caravan on my vacant property?

THOWs and caravans are considered temporary accommodation for the purpose of Regulation 11 of the Caravan Park and Camping Ground Regulations 1997.

The construction of a building or permanent structure on private land is subject to development and building approvals and cannot be approved under the Regulations.

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