The Local Government is required to publish a link to the signed minutes on its website in accordance with regulation 44(7) of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Amendment Regulations 2011.
In accordance with regulation 39 of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Amendment Regulations 2011, please find attached the Agenda for the upcoming Development Assessment Panel (DAP) meeting.
It is hereby notified that the Minister for Planning approved the City of Kwinana Local Planning Scheme amendment on 4 November 2020.
It is hereby notified for public information, in accordance with section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005, that the Minister for Planning approved the City of Kwinana Local Planning Scheme amendment on 4 November 2020 for the purpose of -
1. Rezone Lot 358 (1) Christmas Avenue, Orelia from 'Public Purpose - State Government' to 'Residential', with a density coding of R20.
Wayne Jack
Chief Executive Officer