City of Kwinana reflects on Australian Citizenship Day 2020

City of Kwinana reflects on Australian Citizenship Day 2020
11 September 2020

The City of Kwinana will welcome 24 new citizens at an in-person Australian citizenship ceremony on Thursday, 17 September as part of Australian Citizenship Day 2020.

The conferees from 13 countries including India, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa and Thailand will become Australian citizens as part of the ceremony.

City of Kwinana Mayor Carol Adams said the ceremony was an opportunity for all Australians, whether they are citizens by birth or by choice, to come together to acknowledge what’s great about being Australian.

“Each year on Australian Citizenship Day, we reflect on the meaning and importance of Australian citizenship and the shared values that unite us, said Mayor Adams.

“There is no greater privilege than our citizenship. It’s a life-long commitment to Australia’s values of freedom, democracy, equality and respect.”

Australian Citizenship Day provides an occasion for individuals, schools, community groups and organisations to reflect on the contributions of citizens to our local communities.

COVID-19 guidelines on hotspot restrictions, gathering sizes and social distancing will result in fewer citizenship ceremonies than usual on Citizenship Day in 2020. Even so, more than 2,500 people will receive citizenship at more than 100 online or in-person ceremonies across the country on this day.

“Each year we are privileged to welcome new Australians to our growing community as part of Australian Citizenship Day celebrations,” said Mayor Adams.

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