Contact us

We're here to help with any questions you might have. Contact details for the City of Kwinana facilities, including addresses, phone numbers and opening hours are shown below.

Contact details

Phone: (08) 9439 0200

Email: customer@kwina​​

Postal Address: PO Box 21, Kwinana WA 6966​

Opening hours and location

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm​

Address: Corner Gilmore Avenue and Sulphur Road, Kwinana


City of Kwinana Administration
Get Directions

Additional City contacts 

FunctionContact Details
Rangers and Compliance related matters 9439​ 0200 or
Bookings of parks, reserves and halls9439 0407
Elected ​MembersSee elected members page 
Graffiti Hotline1800 44 22 55
Website (feedback, issues, requests)9439 0247


Facility contacts 

FacilityContact Details
Darius Wells Library and Resource Centre 

Corner Chisham Avenue and Robbos Way, Kwinana WA 6167
Phone: (08) 9439 0407

Kwinana Public LibraryCorn​er Chisham Avenue and Robbos Way, Kwinana WA 6167​ (located within the Darius Wells)
Phone: (08) 9236 4300
Kwinana Recquatic

Corner Robbos Way and Skerne Street, Kwinana, WA 6167
Phone: (08) 9236 4700 

John Wellard Community Centre

Corn​​er Runnymede Gate and The Strand, Wellard WA 6170
Phone: (08) 9439 0407

William Bertram Community Centre

Corner Johnson Road and Hero Crescent, Bertram WA 6167
Phone: (08) 9439 0407

Zone Youth Space

Corner Gilmore Avenue and Darius Drive, Kwinana WA 6167
Phone: (08) 9236 4550

Koorliny Arts Centre

10 Hutchins Way, Kwinana, WA 6167
Phone: (08) 9467 7118

Operations DepotBeacham Crescent, Medina WA 6167
Phone: (08) 9439 0200
Animal Management FacilityBeacham Crescent, Medina WA 6167​
Opening hours: By Appointment Only.
Phone: (08) 9439 0200 to arrange a time to visit.

General enquiry, feedback and complaints 

Do you have an enquiry, complaint or want to provide feedback to the City of Kwinana? Visit the general enquiry, feedback and complaints page.

Film and photoshoot applications

Are you organising filming or a photoshoot in the City of Kwinana? To lodge an application, please complete a Film and Photoshoot Application and send the completed form to

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