The City of Kwinana recognises the importance of water both in the landscape and in our buildings and community operations, and endeavours to adapt to climate challenges and social challenges that impact success in this space.
The City adopted its Water Plan 2024-2028 in March 2024. The Plan sets out the following ambitious Water Targets and implements an action plan to help reach and achieve these targets within the life span of the Water Plan. The following targets are set by the plan:
Corporate Water Target: Achieve Platinum Waterwise endorsement by 2027.
Scheme Water Target: Maintain scheme water use within 5% of 2016-2017 levels until 2027.
Groundwater Target: Maintain Groundwater abstraction below 90% of allocation until 2027.
Community Water Target: Maintain residential water use below the Waterwise Perth. Action Plan target of 110kL/Capita until 2026.
A full set of the actions that help to drive these targets can be found within the Water Plan 2024-2028.
The City’s preceding Sustainable Water Management Plan 2018-2023 drove the execution of many great achievements and accomplishments throughout the City’s water landscape. These achievements included:
- Gold Waterwise Council endorsement since 2017.
- Platinum Waterwise Aquatic Centre endorsement achieved in 2022.
- Conversion of 95% of the City’s bore controller systems to a centralised irrigation control system.
- Development of the City’s first Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan (2023-2027).
- Installation, upgrade, replacement, and maintenance of water data loggers at high consumption sites, allowing quick and accurate flow readings to identify leaks and consumption variances.
- Maintenance of drainage nets at five sites to intercept litter before it enters natural environments. These nets have collected 3.6 tonnes of debris since they were installed in 2018.
- Further hydrozone implementation and replacement of exotic or high water needs plants with waterwise/endemic species in City managed landscapes.
- Annual participation in Clean Up Australia Day and other litter clean-up events.
- Annual revegetation programs including community and staff planting events.
- Hosted the Living Smart 7-week sustainable living course annually for City residents
The City runs workshops, activities, and courses on a variety of sustainability, environmental conservation and waste topics throughout the year. If you would like to be placed on a mailing list to receive notification of these events please contact the City's Environment and Waste team, or keep an eye out on the City of Kwinana’s socials.