Fire Permits and Burn Offs

Find out about fire permits, annual fire prohibited burning periods, restricted burning periods, fire breaks and bushfire prevention.

Annual prohibited burning periods

​Burning is not permitted anywhere within the City from:

  • 1 December to 31 March the following year.

No fire permits will be issued to members of the public during this time period. For further information click here.

Restricted burning periods

Each year burning is restricted within the City from:

  • 1 October to 30 November
  • 1 April to 30 May 

Important notes

  • The restricted burning period can vary due to seasonal weather conditions, following the publication of a notice in the local newspaper or via the City’s social media channels and website.
  • Burning is not permitted unless you have been issued a valid fire permit (see below).

Apply for a fire permit

A fire permit can be obtained for free by people living in rural areas only. The permit is issued under strict guidelines.

People living in rural areas who hold a current fire permit can perform:

  • Garden refuse burning
  • Hazard reduction burning

To check if your property is in a designated rural area view the Kwinana zoning map.

Burning of 1 cubic metre of leaves, tree branches and other dry vegetation is permitted without a Permit To Set Fire To The Bush during the Restricted Period subject to the following conditions:

  • Applicable for Rural landowners and land occupiers only
  • Notify the owners or land occupiers of all land adjoining the property by writing at least 4 days prior to the burn taking place or in person up to 1 day before you intend to burn.
  • Check the Fire Danger Rating for your location on the morning of the burn noting All burning is Prohibited if the Fire Danger Rating is High, Extreme or Catastrophic
  • Register your burn with DFES on (08) 9395 9209 a few hours prior to commencing
  • Fire can only be lit between 6PM through to 11PM and must be fully extinguished before midnight on the same day
  • At least one able-bodied person is to remain with the burn until fully extinguished
  • Piles are to be no bigger than 1 cubic metre (1m x 1m x 1m) in size and be situated in an area containing no flammable material within a 3 metre perimeter of the piles
  • Only one pile to be burnt at any time
  • Running water, knap sack or fire unit is present during the burn until fully extinguished
  • It is the landowner or land occupiers responsibility to comply with all conditions set out in the above conditions and local laws (nuisance smoke)

Failure to comply with any of these conditions may result in an infringement or prosecution in court.

To apply for a fire permit email the Rangers or call 9439 0200. Applicants are required to apply at least three days prior to planned burn. 

As per the Bush Fires Act 1954, no garden refuse burning is to be undertaken in areas defined as “Urban” under the Metropolitan Region Scheme, without written approval of Local Government.

A firefighter in protective gear surveys a bushfire.

Fire breaks and bushfire prevention

In accordance with the City’s Fire Notice, fire breaks must be installed and maintained in rural areas from 1 December up to and including 31 May. Urban areas must comply with the fire notice all year round.

For fire break variations, please complete and submit the application form to vary fire break type and location.

For more information about the City's Fire Notice, please see the Firebreak and Hazard Compliance Information

Prevention tips 

  1. Create a 20-metre building protection zone around your property.
  2. Clear the area of rubbish, long grass and other materials that could catch fire.
  3. Protect your house from ember attack by fitting wire screens and shutters.
  4. Block any gaps under the floor, roof, eaves, external vents, skylights, chimneys and wall cladding.
  5. Have an emergency water supply that is independent of mains water supply.
  6. Discuss fire prevention and preparedness with your family and neighbours. 

    Preparing your property

    Need assistance ensuring your property complies with the City's fire hazard reduction requirements? See below a list of local gardening, landscape and earthworks services who may be able to assist you. Please note; any owner and/or occupier who engages a contractor to undertake works on their behalf, is responsible for ensuring that the works completed meet the requirements of the City's Fire Notice. 

    Local Suppliers - Fire Hazard Reduction
    Company SuburbEmailWebsitePhone Services
    Daniel’s Lawn MowingMedina  0405327578Mowing, trimming and edging.
    GardenAide 0420418713Mowing, slashing and trimming service, removal of flammable materials from roof tops and gutters.
    Jim's MowingAnketell, Bertram, Calista, Kwinana Beach, Kwinana Town Centre, Leda, Medina, Orelia, Parmelia,, slashing and trimming service, removal of flammable materials from roof tops and gutters.
    Jordan’s Tree ServicesAnketell  0433064192Stump removal, clearances, firebreak construction and maintenance.
    Lawnbusters Commercial Lawn Mowing and Sweeping Service   



    Slashing, mowing, firebreak construction and maintenance.
    Man and His 0425686058Lawn mowing and other garden services, rubbish removal, tree cutting or pruning and handyman work.
    Rivulet LandscapesMedina, slashing and trimming service, removal of flammable materials from roof tops and gutters.
    Roses Lawns and 0449845405Mowing, hedging and tree trimming.
    Short & Sweet Lawn MowingLeda  0415409856Mowing, slashing and trimming service, removal of flammable materials from roof tops and gutters.
    RFA Group 0447923256

    Fire Breaks, Slashing, Forestry Mulching, Rural Fencing, Fence Repairs, Earthworks and Parkland Clearing.

    Cutting Round Corners, Rotary Hoe, Slashing, Tilt Tray, HIAB and Crane Truck.
    Bormaz Contracting and Land Management 0438414480Firebreaks, Eco Mulching (Posi Track / Excavator), Slashing, Material Cartage, Earth Works and Vegetation Management. 


    If you are a local supplier that would to be included in this listing please contact our Economic Development team

    Total Vehicle and Movement Ban

    In the unlikely event that a Total Vehicle and Movement Ban is declared, community members are to cease the use of engines, vehicles, plant or machinery likely to cause a bush fire (commonly referred to as Harvest and Movement of Vehicles in paddocks ban). See below list of activities that are/are not permitted at times where a Total Vehicle and Movement Ban is declared. 

    Activities not permitted during the period of this ban

    • Harvesting operations are not permitted,
    • Any “hot works” (e.g. welding, grinding, cutting, heating etc) in the “open air” are not permitted, (note—these activities are not permitted during the term of any Total Fire Ban).
    • Other – Use or operation of any engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery in the area likely to cause a bush fire or contribute to the spread of a bush fire.

    Activities permitted during the period of this ban

    • Movement of Vehicles on “gazetted roads” (as described in Bush Fires regulation 24A(1) and Road Traffic Act 1974 section 5.1)).
    • Movement of vehicles on a lane, driveway, yard or other area that provides access to, or a parking facility at, any residential, farming or business premises, if the area has been sufficiently cleared of inflammable material to prevent the escape of fire.
    • Use or operation of a vehicle if it is for the prevention of an immediate and serious risk to the health or safety of a person or livestock, and only if all reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent the activity from creating a bush fire danger.
    • Use or operations of vehicles and undertaking of “hot works” by those persons holding a current Exemption under Bush Fires Act 1954 s. 22C (Exemption from Total Fire Bans)

    Frequently Asked Questions 

    Is it compulsory to comply with the Fire Notice?

    Yes. All property owners and/or occupiers must comply with the Notice. It is a legal requirement under the Bush Fires Act 1954. By complying with the Notice, you are doing your part to reduce the overall risk of fire in the whole community as well as keeping your family and neighbours safe.

    What happens if I don’t comply with the Notice by the deadline?

    The City may issue an infringement and undertake works on your property to ensure it complies. If you fail or neglect to comply with the Notice you can also be found guilty of an offence incur a maximum penalty of $5,000. If the City has to carry out works on your property, you will be liable for any costs and expenses incurred.

    I am having difficulty getting the work done by the deadline. Can I have an extension?

    Unfortunately, you are not able to get an extension and you are required to comply by the date specified in the Notice. If you require assistance to complete the works on time please contact the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer on 9439 0200 or

    Does the Notice apply to my verge?

    The Notice applies to the land owned and/or occupied by you and this does not include verges which are part of the road reserve. However, there is an expectation that verges will be maintained by the land owner and/or occupier.

    How do I find out the fire danger rating (FDR)?

    Fire danger rating signs are located throughout the City on Thomas Road in Casuarina, Rowley Road in Wandi, Mortimer Road in Casuarina and Wellard Road
    in Wellard. These signs are updated from October to March each year. The fire danger rating FDR can also be found at or

    Can I burn garden refuse?
    • During the declared Prohibited Burning Period, owners and/or occupiers must not burn garden refuse, rubbish or any other materials for like purpose.
    • During the declared Restricted Burning Period only, owners and/or occupiers may apply for a permit to burn the bush for bush fire risk mitigation purposes only, by following the conditions imposed on a permit to burn. In areas zoned Rural, you may undertake burning of leaves, tree branches, and other dry vegetation in piles no larger than 1.0m³ in size, without a permit to burn (subject to conditions).
    • During the Unrestricted Burning Periods, owners and/or occupiers in areas zoned Rural may burn garden refuse and set fire to bush on their land without a permit. Burning of the bush must be undertaken in accordance with all relevant State legislation and Local Government Local Laws.
    • Pursuant to section, 24G (2) of the Bush Fires Act 1954, no burning of garden refuse is to be undertaken in areas defined as “Urban” without written approval of the City of Kwinana.
    Can I have a fire pit or open fire?

    Yes, you can have a fire pit providing you comply with the following conditions:

    • you do not burn green waste in areas zoned as urban;
    • you only burn dry cured firewood;
    • you have a three-metre clearing of all flammable material around the fire;
    • the fire danger rating is not high or above; and
    • there is an adult in attendance at all times.
    Can I burn on a Sunday or a public holiday?

    Yes, providing the Bureau of Meteorology in Perth has not issued a fire danger forecast for the local government areas declaring that the fire danger rating is high, extreme or catastrophic. If such a forecast has been issued, all burning is absolutely prohibited.

    Who can I report a fire hazard or non-compliance to?

    Report potential fire hazards or any suspected non-compliances to the Rangers on 9439 0200 or

    More information and contacts

    For general enquiries or calls requesting the issuing of a permit, please contact the Rangers team on 9439 0200.

    If you suspect someone of bushfire arson, call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

    If you see a fire, call 000.

    For fire ban information call the Total Fire Ban Information Line on 1800 709 355.

    For Emergency WA Warning and Incidents visit the Emergency WA website.

    For Australia's Official Weather Forecast visit the Bureau of Meteorology website.

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