Home-Based Business

If you’re thinking of running a small business from home, you may not need planning approval, as long as the business is low-impact and follows certain guidelines to avoid disturbing neighbours. For larger home businesses, planning approval may be required.

Home Occupations

You can run a small business from home without needing planning approval if it meets certain conditions. Since home businesses are in residential areas, they must be small and not disturb neighbours.

A home business is allowed if:
  • It does not hire anyone outside your household.
  • It does not harm or disrupt the neighbourhood.
  • It takes up no more than 20 square meters.
  • It only has a small sign (under 0.2 square meters).
  • It does not sell, display, or rent goods on-site (only online sales are allowed).
  • It does not need extra parking or increase traffic.
  • It does not use large vehicles (over 4.5 tonnes).
  • It does not involve fuelling, fixing, or maintaining vehicles.
  • It does not use more utilities than a normal home.

For advice on whether your home business meets these rules, contact the City’s Planning Department.

Home Businesses

If you want to run a home-based business that’s larger than a Home Occupation, you may qualify under a Home Business category. For this, you will need planning approval before starting.

For more information and instructions on how to apply, see the Home Occupation and Business Information Sheet on the  Development/Planning Applications page.

Other City Approvals

Before starting your home-based business, it’s a good idea to contact the City for advice. Even if you don’t need a planning application, you may still need other approvals for Health or Building.

What Activities Can Cause Problems?

Home Occupations and Home Businesses should not disturb neighbors. The City of Kwinana often gets complaints about home businesses that:

  • Make loud or long-lasting noise
  • Increase traffic with delivery trucks or customer cars
  • Produce smoke, smells, dust, light, or vibrations
  • Operate outside normal business hours

Home-based businesses are for small, low-impact businesses that can be run from a home. They allow people to start a business with low costs and move to a commercial space (like in Kwinana City Centre) when the business grows.

Note: Mechanical repairs, panel beating, spray painting, and loud machinery are not allowed for home businesses. If you need these activities, you should look for an industrial or commercial space.

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