An inspiring bin sticker initiative in Kwinana combines the creativity of children with responsible waste management messaging.
The City’s bin sticker competition has been extended until February 28 and is designed to educate families about the importance of proper waste disposal and recycling.
Mayor Peter Feasey said the winning entry would be applied to bins in local parks, celebrating the creativity of the City’s young people and their sustainability message.
Mayor Peter Feasey said the extension of the competition’s deadline was approved following a request by a school class wanting to enter the competition in the new school year.
“We’ve received multiple entries already and it is great to see so many young people getting creative for a cleaner future,” Mayor Feasey said.
“We are asking entrants to create a design that encourages park users to place their waste in the bin and keep Kwinana clean.”
First prize is an art supply kit and the winning design featured on public bins across Kwinana.
Designs placing second and third will receive art supply packs and a certificate of recognition.
Artists must be under 16 years of age, and a panel of judges will shortlist entries then select the final winner.
Visit for the template and to submit your design.