Vibrant photos celebrate Kwinana

Vibrant photos celebrate Kwinana
25 October 2024

The City of Kwinana’s annual photography competition celebrated the theme ‘Vibrant Kwinana’ with three winners announced.


Caption: Aurora Antonio, Michael Sargeant, and Natarlia Cianio with their winning photo entries.

The City’s annual photography competition received 94 entries this year, with a selection to be featured in the 2025 community calendar to be sent to households from December.

Images celebrated the theme ‘Vibrant Kwinana’ this year, sparking a range of colourful, light-filled images which have been on display the Carol Adams Community Lounge in the Darius Wells Library and Resource Centre this month.

Mayor Peter Feasey thanked everyone for their contributions and said the judging panel included Gemma Dix from the Koorliny Arts Centre, last year’s competition winner and photographer Aaron Brown, and Cr David Acker.

“Aurora Antonio won the child category for her capture of a native flower in a garden, showing great talent for her age group,” Mayor Feasey said.

“Natarlia Ciancio won the youth category for a work titled ‘Something In The Orange’ which is a relaxing view of Kwinana Beach, using lighting well to capture a feeling.

“Michael Sargeant won the adult category for a work cleverly titled ‘Moss to the Flames’, taken at The Spectacles.

“This image featured bright waxcap fungi nestled among green moss and the judges were quite taken with the subject matter in addition to the technical skills required to capture the texture and detail in the image,” he said.

Commendations included Nathan Hunter and Linkon Ciancio for the child category, Conor Taylor-Thorpe for the youth category, while David Schaller and Andrew Cox received commendations for their images in the adult category.

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