Help needed to protect trees from shot-hole borer

Help needed to protect trees from shot-hole borer
13 June 2024

Polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB) infestations are approaching the City of Kwinana’s boundary, so residents are being asked to keep an eye out for tell-tale signs of the pest to protect vulnerable species like Medina’s fig trees.


Caption: Hill’s Weeping Fig trees in Medina.

Medina’s well-loved trees are among those species susceptible to Polyphagus shot-hole borer (PSHB), prompting the City to call for residents to monitor and report tell-tale signs of PSHB as it comes closer to the City of Kwinana’s borders.

Mayor Peter Feasey said this tiny beetle, about the size of a sesame seed, poses a significant threat to a wide range of plants by boring into their trunks, stems, and branches.

“Be vigilant if you have trees like Maple, Black Locust, Coral Tree, Plane Tree, Fig, Poinciana, Mulberry, or Willow. These species are particularly susceptible to PSHB, Mayor Feasey said.

“While the beetles are hard to spot, please regularly inspect your trees for any signs of tunnelling or damage and consider contacting the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development using their website hotline or app,” Mayor Feasey said.

He urged residents to report damage immediately using the MyPestGuide Reporter app or link, or call 9368 3080.

“Combating PSHB requires a community effort,” Mayor Feasey said.

“By staying informed and taking proactive measures, we can protect our trees and maintain the health and beauty of our community’s green spaces.

Maintaining tree health can make them more resilient to pest infestations, by disinfecting pruning tools before and after use, and avoid moving prunings, or any wood products including mulch from areas known to have PSHB infestations.

Grass clippings or compost can be used as mulch instead of woodchips to reduce the risk of spreading PSHB.

Mayor Feasey said to prevent the spread of PSHB it was also important to buy firewood locally and avoid transporting it from one area to another as it can travel long distances when infested wood is moved.

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