New City operation targets off-road offences

New City operation targets off-road offences
31 July 2024

Signs installed across the City this week outline the penalties applied to off-road activity in a bid to reduce offences in Kwinana.  

Off-road vehicle users are being targeted by the City of Kwinana with 30 signs installed this week detailing $500 fines, and increased Ranger patrols to catch people in the act.

Chief Executive Wayne Jack said that outside of private properties there was only one site in the City, off Thomas Road, where off-road motorbike activity is permitted. Four-wheel drive off road activity is not permitted.

“This City has seen a significant increase in off-road vehicles in non-permitted areas, particularly along Abercrombie Road and around the Magenup Equestrian Centre,” Mr Jack said.

“City Rangers will particularly target those areas.

“The City is responsible for administering the Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978 which carries a penalty of $500 for using an off-road vehicle outside of a permitted area.

“Off-road offences can be dangerous to the community and become a noise nuisance to residents.

“Other offences also attract fines including driving without a valid licence, and not wearing a helmet which attracts a $400 fine for the first offence, so we will also be targeting these as one avenue to improving community safety within the City’s bounds.

“Parliament is currently considering the Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Amendment Bill 2024, aiming to significantly increase penalties to deter antisocial and illegal off-road vehicle activity which have largely remained unchanged since 1978,” he said.

Mr Jack urged residents to report trail bike and hooning activity to Police via the online report form or if it is occurring and/or causing a danger to report the incident to the Police Assistance Centre on 131 444.

For more information on where registered trail bikes and quad bikes can be ridden in WA, visit the Off-road vehicle map | DLGSC

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