New policy supports local events in Kwinana

New policy supports local events in Kwinana
15 September 2023

Council adopts an Events Policy to simplify the approval process of public events in Kwinana, bring consistency, and attract events that align with the Strategic Community Plan.

A new events policy was adopted at the Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) on Wednesday night to improve the event approval process and support vibrant and active spaces that encourage community participation.

Event organisers are often community group volunteers, who are commonly unaware of the legislative requirements and responsibilities of managing the running of events.

This new events policy will bring clarity to those looking to host an event in the City of Kwinana.

Chief Executive Officer Wayne Jack said more than half of event applications are lodged close to event dates without adequate information to demonstrate the legislative requirements have been met.

However, many events are small scale and low in impact. The City introduced an online events application system in 2022.

Since then, it has been looking at ways to better align the application requirements for lower impact events, and to address aspects of accessibility, waste management, the economic impact to local businesses and management of co-shared spaces for food truck events and markets.

“The introduction of the new events policy will incorporate an event impact assessment framework; additional considerations for food truck events and markets; clarity around the responsibilities of the City and event organisers; promote sustainable initiatives and support smoke-free events; and encourage aspects of diversity and inclusion,” Mr Jack said.

“The City consulted with the Boola Maara (Many Hands) Advisory Group and the Disability Reference Group and this feedback was incorporated into the policy.

“An invitation for feedback was also issued to all event organisers who had lodged an event application online during the past year, and one written response was provided in support of the events policy and provided suggestions for improvement to event application forms and the Calista Oval venue.”

The Events Policy was discussed at the 13 September OCM which is available at City of Kwinana’s Minutes and Agendas. New supporting guidelines will soon be available on the City of Kwinana’s Running Community Events page.

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