The City of Kwinana will partner with St Pat’s to provide a specialist assertive outreach service four days a week in Kwinana, using a model supported by the State Government through the Office of Homelessness.
Mayor Carol Adams said the new Assertive Outreach team will work with the HEART (Homeless Engagement, Assessment, Response Team) consortium, also led by St Pat’s, which brings together the expertise of the Department of Communities, Uniting WA, Wungening Aboriginal Corporation, and Indigo Junction to deliver a coordinated response to rough sleeping across the metropolitan area.
“St Pat’s was selected from a competitive tender process, and also offers similar services in surrounding communities such as Mandurah and Rockingham,” Mayor Adams said.
The partnership is for a minimum of three years and will be available from July 2023 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, from 7.30am to 12.30pm.
“Communities across the country have been experiencing a spike in homelessness brought about by the pandemic and cost of living pressures,” she said.
“The City is not immune to this trend, and wishes to adequately support our community’s most vulnerable people by offering them a fit-for-purpose service to operate from within our community.
“Kwinana has not previously had a specialist assertive outreach service operating and we believe this will make a difference, based on the evidence from surrounding communities,” Mayor Adams said.
St Pat’s Chief executive Michael Piu said St Pats was proud to be partnering with the City and congratulated the City for responding to this need by providing specialist support for those who are facing homelessness in the community.
“Our experienced team of assertive outreach workers specialise in providing targeted, flexible support for people experiencing rough sleeping,” Mr Piu said.
“We work side-by-side with people to identify their needs, connect them with services and assist them as they transition into safe, secure accommodation,” he said.
The St Pat’s Kwinana team will work closely with other local Kwinana service providers in order to provide people with wrap-around support which is tailored to their specific needs.
“Through intensive case management, we can help break down those personal and systemic barriers which might prevent people from accessing safe, secure accommodation.”
Referral link for St. Pats