Kwinana Calls for Local Government Election Candidates

Kwinana Calls for Local Government Election Candidates
9 August 2023

The City of Kwinana is inviting residents who aspire to represent their community and are interested in standing for Council, to attend an information session on Tuesday, 15 August 2023.

The information session, to be held at 5.30pm at the City of Kwinana Council Chambers, will outline the role and responsibilities of being an Elected Member and the details for nominating as a candidate, with the nomination period commencing on 31 August and closing at 4pm on 7 September 2023.

The 2023 City of Kwinana Local Government Election will be the first time the Kwinana community will be given the opportunity to vote for who will be Mayor.
Mayor Carol Adams, who will step down from her role as Mayor in October, reflected back on her long serving and illustrious reign as Mayor and said that as she transitioned into this next phase of her life, she was looking forward to seeing the next generation of candidates to represent the collective interests of the whole district and continue to set and implement the exciting strategic direction for the Kwinana community.

“The upcoming local government elections gives electors who are knowledgeable, connected to their community and passionate about advocating for local issues, the opportunity to stand for Council and make a difference in their community,” she said.

“I have been so privileged to have played an important role in our democratic system for over 25 years and the upcoming October election is an excellent opportunity for a new generation of people to contribute to,and be involved in their local community.

“As this year is the first year that the residents of Kwinana are able to vote for their Mayor as well as their Elected Members, I would urge all eligible electors to vote to ensure they have a voice in choosing the best people to represent their community,” Mayor Adams said.

The 2023 City of Kwinana Election will change from a ‘First Past the Post Election’ to an ‘Optional Preferential Voting System’ Election. Optional Preferential Voting means ratepayers will now have the power to vote for as many or as few candidates as they wish, using numbered preferences. This change brings council elections more into line with State and Federal elections.

Election packages are posted to all electors around four weeks before election day, which this year will occur on Saturday, 21 October. Those wishing to vote must have their packs in and received by 6pm on election day. The count commences at 6pm on election day with the results available as soon as practicable after the election.

Residents are also encouraged to ensure they are enrolled to vote or if an elector has recently moved house, that their details have been updated with the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC),” Mayor Adams said.

The electoral roll closes at 5pm on Friday, 25 August 2023.

For more information visit or to nominate to become a candidate for the 2023 City of Kwinana Local Government Election visit

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