Neighbours continue to be there for one another in 2022

Neighbours continue to be there for one another in 2022
11 March 2022

City of Kwinana’s Neighbour Day grants scheme supports neighbourhood events this month.



Caption: Neighbour Day 2021 in the City of Kwinana

Neighbour Day is Australia’s annual celebration of community, encouraging people to connect with those who live in their neighbourhood.

City of Kwinana Mayor Carol Adams said grants of $2000 were made available by the City for community groups to run local neighbourhood events, with an extra $1000 to match any other contribution, so some groups received $3000 in total from the City.

Mayor Adams encouraged people to go along and make new connections.

“These events will not only provide a great sense of community with some free activities and low cost or free food offerings but will also include information on how to connect with your community and combat isolation,” Mayor Adams said.

Neighbour Day, usually celebrated on the last weekend of March, is Relationships Australia’s social connection campaign that encourages people to reach out and make sustainable connections.

The Neighbour Day campaign supports and enables sustainable respectful relationships across communities year-round, while also helping to address loneliness across the nation.

The theme this year is ‘Connecting Communities for 20 years’, marking a significant milestone in the effort to tangibly reduce loneliness in the community.


Neighbour Day – Orelia

Organiser:      Kwinana Hockey Club

Date:               Saturday, 26 March, 11am to 4pm

Location:        Orelia Sport Fields, Bolton Way, Orelia

Neighbour Day – Calista

Organiser:      Outdoor Adventure Group

Date:               Saturday, 26 March, 12pm to 3pm

Location:        Calista Oval, 2 Walgreen Crescent, Calista

Neighbour Day - Leda

Organiser:      Kwinana in Transition

Date:               Sunday, 27 March, 10am to 3pm

Location:         Sloan's Cottage

Neighbour Day - Medina

Organiser:      Medina Residents Group in partnership with Chorus

Date:               Sunday, 27 March, 11am to 2pm

Location:        Ridley Green, Cnr Medina Avenue and Hewison Road, Medina

Neighbour Day – Wandi

Organiser:      Wandi Progress Association

Date:               Sunday, 27 March, 3pm to 6pm

Location:        Wandi Community Centre Oval, 302 De Haer Road, Wandi

In line with State Government COVID-19 restrictions, COVID safety measures will apply to these events. Please sign in via the ServiceWA App or the manual sign in register available on the day. Masks are encouraged when not participating in physical activities.

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