Budget aims to find balance for Kwinana community

Budget aims to find balance for Kwinana community
22 June 2022

The City of Kwinana Council formally adopted its 2022/2023 Budget at its Ordinary Meeting of Council, held tonight (22 June 2022).

The City once again endeavoured to take a conservative approach to its budget preparations for the 2022/2023 financial year. However, while the City continues to find efficiencies and is committed to providing the same level of service expected by the community, increasing costs such as electricity, labor, construction costs, building materials and petrol have had a big impact on the financial sustainability of the City.

Inflation has been significantly higher than forecast with the consumer price index (CPI) for the last quarter at 7.6 per cent with a number of the City’s major contracts subject to CPI increases. The Local Government Cost Index which reflects a range of costs that Council face such as construction, electricity and materials was forecast at 5.6 per cent. These have all contributed to the financial pressures Councils are facing. There has also been a five per cent increase to the emergency services levy, which is set by the State Government, and collected by local government on their behalf.

City of Kwinana Mayor Carol Adams said that the budget aims to balance the community’s vision for Kwinana and expectations for quality service, with the impact of external influences such as inflation, while managing the complex needs and challenges associated with the City’s expansive and fast-paced growth.

“From 2009 to 2019 the City of Kwinana has grown by over 17,000 people and continues to grow at a fast pace. To ensure that the City is ahead of this growth and balancing the increasing requirements for infrastructure and demand for quality community facilities and services, the Council resolved that the average rate increase will be 3.95 per cent, or $1.08 per week for an average residential property,” Mayor Adams said.

“This budget includes some much-sought after community projects, including completing the construction of the new Honeywood Oval Pavilion and the Kwinana South Fire Station replacement building, new oval lighting at Wellard West Oval, a Junior Bike Safety Track and commencing the development of the Kwinana Loop Trail master plan,” she said.  

The 2022/2023 draft budget (Budget) has been prepared after taking into consideration the City’s Strategic Community Plan (SCP), Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP), detailed business cases, organisational service reviews and budget workshops.

To view the minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting – June 22 visit www.kwinana.wa.gov.au/minutesandagendas.

Key Highlights of the 2022/23 Budget

  • $3.7m to complete the construction of the pavilion at the Honeywood Primary School Oval. Funded by the Developer Contribution Scheme.
  • $3.3m towards Road Upgrades and Renewals, including resurfacing, resurfacing, strengthening and upgrading, to extend the life of the City’s road network, and to ensure roads can manage volume and weight of future traffic.
  • $2.29m for the management and facilitation of The Zone Youth Space and associated activities including the Community Liaison service.
  • $910k for building renewals including major repairs and replacement of building components (e.g. paint, floor coverings, roof, electrical) in order to extend the life of buildings and maintain level of service.
  • $725k to complete the construction of the Kwinana South Fire Station replacement building. The project is partially funded by grants received by DFES.
  • $504k for the annual community events program
  • $450k to commence development of the Kwinana Loop Trail Master Plan
  • $450k towards the construction of a Junior Bike Safety Track, barbeque and recreation area, with traffic lights and street signs to develop road sense in young riders.
  • $426k towards the construction of training and game lighting at Wellard West Oval.
  • $355k towards the Street Tree Program to ensure continued tree planting programs around Kwinana.
  • $150k towards the Parks for People Program which will see a continued upgrade of the City’s parks and playground equipment.
  • $75k to undertake a food organic, garden organic (FOGO) feasibility assessment to understand the cost and benefits of transitioning to a three-bin kerbside waste collection service.
  • $69k towards the Kwinana Active program to provide community initiatives to encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

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