Mandogalup Fire Station Ready for 2020-2021 Fire Season

Mandogalup Fire Station Ready for 2020-2021 Fire Season
16 September 2020

The City of Kwinana received grant funding from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and the Department of Premier and Cabinet to upgrade the Mandogalup Fire Station.

Works commenced on 14 April 2020 and are now complete, in time for the 2020/2021 Fire Season. Station upgrades were made to the bathroom and kitchen to be more in line with health and safety standards.

The Mandogalup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Facility was built in 1988 and outfitted into a Fire Station in 2002.

Mayor Carol Adams said the 32 year old Station was able to accommodate short-term requirements but needed key upgrades to ensure the comfort of the Volunteer Bushfire Brigade for the upcoming fire season.

“These additions will meet the operational demands of the Mandogalup Volunteer Bushfire Brigade for the years to come.”

“This is a great acknowledgment of the time and dedication that the Volunteer Bushfire Brigade members provide to the Kwinana Community and surround districts.”

For more information on bushfire and fire control, visit the fire permits, burn offs and smoke alarms page.

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