Join or volunteer with a community group

Join or volunteer with a community group

Kwinana has many opportunities to join, or volunteer with, a community group or club, playgroup, town team, resident’s group or progress association, advisory or reference group and sports club. If you would like to have your community group or club added to this page please contact the Community Development team on

To be included on the Get Involved page you need to be a community group or club that is based in Kwinana, open to everyone, offers free or low-cost membership, delivers programs and events that benefit the Kwinana community and builds capacity or develops new skills.

Join or Volunteer with a Community Group or Club

A community group or club has a specific purpose often revolving around social justice, cultural, arts or a hobby, and meets regularly to discuss, create, play and socialise.

Friends of the Spectacles

Friends of the Spectacles is a volunteer group caring for the Spectacles Wetlands and works to support the rehabilitation of the wetland area through activities such as re-vegetation, seed collection, propagation, and weed control.  

The group meets every third Sunday of the month from 9am – 12pm at the Spectacles, Kwinana. Park at the McLaughlan Road car park and follow the pathway down to the Amphitheatre area.

Cost: Free

For more information about Friends of the Spectacles please contact Lynda – email



Kwinana Heritage Group

The Kwinana Heritage Group applies their skills at Smirk's Cottage in Medina by maintaining, gardening, cleaning, documenting the historical collection, and hosting open days every first Sunday of the month.​ A morning tea and catch up is enjoyed mid-morning.

The group meets every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, 8.30am - 11.30am at Smirk’s Cottage, 2 Beacham Cres, Medina.

Cost: $15 per year (individual), $25 per year (couple or families)

For more information about the Kwinana Heritage Group please contact Jo-Anne (President) - call 9548 7210 or email



Kwinana Lions Club

The Kwinana Lions Club was founded in 1967 and has been serving the community for over 56 years. The members of the Club have been supportive of all community and civic programs to the benefit of the people of Kwinana who have been and are in need.

The Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at the Kwinana Senior Citizens Centre, 17 Harley Way, Medina, 6pm for a 6.30pm start.

Cost: Joining fee $40 plus $5 per meeting

For more information about the Kwinana Lions Club please contact:

Dave (Secretary) – call or text 0411 890 419 or email  

Facebook -

Kwinana Model Railway Club

The Kwinana Model Railway Club has been running for many years and this is reflected in the extensive layout they have created from scratch which consists of four separate tracks. Members are also working on a smaller ‘N’ scale layout.

The Club meets every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10am in the small green building at the southern end of Thomas Oval, Tucker St, Medina.

Cost: $25 per month for adults (over 18), $15 per month for under 18 years

For more information about the Kwinana Model Railway Club please contact:


Marquetry Club

Marquetry is derived from the ancient art of Intarsia, the creation of patterns and designs by the inlaying of different kinds of solid wood into a background. If you would like to learn more about this unique craft or have a go yourself, please come to a session on a Friday morning around 9am at the Wandi Community Centre, 302 De Haer Rd, Wandi. Your first lesson is free.

Cost: $10 annual fee plus $4 per week

For more information about the Marquetry Club please contact, Jim on 9591 1463


Malayali Cultural Club

The Malayali Cultural Club promotes sports and Indian cultural activities in WA and provides training in Indian culture.

Cost: $100 per year (for regular club activities)

For more information about the Malayali Cultural Club please contact Jins – call or text 0423 329 001 or email

Facebook: Malayali Cultural Club | Kwinana WA | Facebook

Rhythm Country Music Club of Kwinana

The Rhythm Country Music Club was formed in 2010 to give country music followers a place to play and sing. From then until now the club has increased from a few members to over 80 members.

The Club meets for a jam session on the 3rd Sunday of every month (except January) at the Kwinana Senior Citizens Centre, Harly Way, Medina.

Cost: $20 per year plus gold coin donation for each jam session

For more information about the Rotary Club of Kwinana please contact Bev (Secretary) - call or text  0401 014 449 or email


Rotary Club of Kwinana

Rotary International is a volunteer organization of business and professional leaders who provide humanitarian service and help to build goodwill and peace in the world. Rotary clubs engage in various activities worldwide to help improve people's lives. These include providing healthcare, medical supplies, clean water, food, job training, supporting youth development, and education for millions of people in need. Rotary Club of Kwinana has been serving the community for over 52 years.

The Rotary Club of Kwinana meets for a meal and meeting every Monday 6.30pm at Rotary Hall, Brownell Cres, Medina (except public holidays).

Cost: Annual fee and nomination fee (first three meetings are free).

For more information about the Rotary Club of Kwinana please contact Terry (President Elect) - email



Southern Exposure Photography Club

The Southern Exposure Photography Club is open to all, young and more mature.  You do not need to be a professional to become a member, beginners are very welcome. All you need is a love of photography. You will find that members are a friendly bunch, full of knowledge and no one stays a stranger for very long after a couple of meetings, exhibitions and outings. Let the club show you how to get the very best out of your camera.

The Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the Rotary Hall, Brownell Cres, Medina, 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

Cost: Annual fee (first meeting is free)

For more information about the Southern Exposure Photography Club please contact Lyn – call or text 0402 942 517 or email



Sword Point College of Arms

Sword Point College of Arms are a weapons martial arts group specialising in Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) and Light Saber combat where the focus is on real-world defense (even though you are using a sword or lightsaber which aren't real world weapons). They aim to train and utilise techniques that would be applicable in a real sword fight or actual combat with a piece of tubing or stick. If you're interested in something with some 'real' applications,  Sword Point is for you! 

The group meets on Mondays, 7pm at Wandi Community Centre (on the oval), 302 De Haer Rd, Wandi.

For more information about Sword Point College of Arms please contact Tracey on



WA Guild of Woodcarvers

The Guild promotes an interest in woodcarving and assists members through meetings and workshops to improve their skills and techniques of carving. The Guild consists of carvers of various ages and experience, and new carvers are very welcome.

The Guild meets on Mondays 9am – 12pm at the Wandi Community Centre (in the Resource Centre), 302 De Haer Rd, Wandi.

Cost: Annual fee is $50/year plus $4 per session.

For more information about the WA Guild of Woodcarvers please contact Liz – call or text 0421 702 152 or email



Wandi Woodturners Group

At Wandi Woodturners, our aim is to promote and carry on the ancient art of wood turning. People of all ages and gender are welcome to attend. New members are instructed and supervised by an experienced woodturner.

The group meets on Mondays 8am – 12pm, Wednesdays 8am – 12pm and 6pm – 9pm, and Fridays 9am – 12pm.

Cost: Annual fee plus $4 per person/meeting

For more information about the Wandi Woodturners Group please contact Alan - call or text 0427 718 886 or email


Join a Playgroup

The City of Kwinana is a family friendly area and offers a range of playgroups for children 0 – 5 years.

Moorditj Kulungar Playgroup

Moorditj Kulungar Playgroup brings children, parents, grandparents and extended kin networks of the local Kwinana and Rockingham Aboriginal communities together to learn about culture and provide support through a child’s early years. 

Come and visit our welcoming, culturally safe environment and have a great time connecting with your little one, having a yarn with others, and sharing a freshly prepared morning tea.

Moorditj Kulungar Playgroup is held every Tuesday at 26 Bolton Way (opposite Orelia Oval) from 9:30am to 12pm, during school term. 

If you are interested in joining Moorditj Kulungar Playgroup please contact Fran - call or text 0428 208 196, or pop in during a session for a chat.  


Ngala Playgroups

Ngala runs various playgroups for different age groups during the week at its Child and Parent Centre, Harlow Rd, Calista.

The Centre has playgroups for babies and children aged 0 - 3 months, 0 - 12 months, 0 - 5 years and 1 - 3 years and also offers family support services, parenting programs, child health nurse and speech pathologist.

To find out more about playgroups, programs and services at the Ngala Child and Parent Centre - Calista please contact:

Ngala staff - call (08) 9367 0960 or email



Join a Town Team

Town Teams are positive and proactive community groups that work collaboratively with their local government to improve a place or area. The Town Team approach is inclusive. It is open to businesses, landowners, residents and anyone else who wants to improve their place.

Wellard Village Town Team

Joining the Wellard Village People means you have a voice in determining the sort of community you want to see, giving you a part in supporting Wellard to be a friendly and vibrant place. You can help develop an active community with events to attract people of all ages and walks of life, a place where local businesses can thrive, providing jobs and better prospects for our young people.

For more information about the Wellard Village Town Team please contact Claire - email

Website: Wellard Village People


Activate Apsley Town Team

Activate Apsley formed in 2023. We are a small group of people who enjoy catching up once a month and organising community events with the goal to bring our neighbours together, meet new people and build relationships. We believe this is important as it helps our residents feel safe, well connected and promotes good mental heath.

The group meets at Apsley Community Centre on the first Monday of every month, 6.30pm.

For more information about Activate Apsley Town Team please contact Crystal – call or text 0417 961 503 or email 

Join a Resident's Group or Progress Association

A Resident’s Group or Progress Association consists of people who live in a particular area and come together to discuss matters important to that area. Members generally live in that area. Coming soon.

Wandi Progress Association

The Wandi Progress Association was established in 1988 and has been an active group of volunteers taking on the challenges and voicing the concerns of local residents. The Association also manages the Wandi Community Centre and shares the site with the Magenup Equestrian Centre.

The Wandi Progress Association meets on the third Wednesday of the month, 7pm at the Wandi Community Centre (Resource Centre).

For more information about the Wandi Progress Association please contact Mark – email



Medina Residents Group

An active group of Residents who work together to conduct activities that raise awareness and advocacy.

For more information about the Medina Residents Group please contact:

Brooke - email


Join an Advisory or Reference Group

An Advisory or Reference Group are a group of people from a specific part of the community who meet regularly to discuss matters important to them and, where needed, advise the City. These groups are facilitated by City of Kwinana staff and include members who meet the groups criteria. Generally, members need to apply to be part of an Advisory or Reference Group.

Kwinana Youth Advisory Council

The Kwinana Youth Advisory Council (KYAC) are a group of young people aged 14 – 24 years who are passionate about the Kwinana community, want to help others and are committed to working together in a team. The KYAC meets fortnightly at the Zone Youth Space and applications are accepted in June each year.

For more information about how to join the KYAC or for other youth opportunities please contact:

Youth Development Officer – call 9236 4550 or email


Access and Inclusion Reference Group

The Access and Inclusion Reference Group provides City staff with a reference point to seek comment and advice from community members who experience barriers to access and inclusion. It is a key source of advice to ensure that equality related to disability, access and inclusion is upheld. Members are chosen through a nomination process and meet every two months.

For more information about how to join the Access and Inclusion Reference Group please contact:

Community Development Officer (Inclusion and Healthy Ageing) – call 9439 0200 or email


Participate in Volunteering

The Kwinana Volunteer Centre is a central point in the community for information on all things relating to volunteering. Many local groups and organisations rely on the goodwill and generosity of volunteers to help them. By volunteering, you can make a huge difference to the quality of other people's lives. 

The Kwinana Volunteer Centre is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9am – 4pm and is located at the Darius Wells Library and Resource Centre (first floor, at the top of the stairs).

To find out more about how to volunteer please contact the Volunteer Centre Coordinator - call (08) 9236 4314 or email


Join a Sports Club

The City of Kwinana has a strong sporting culture with a variety of clubs you can join for fun, fitness or high-level competition.

If you are interested in joining a local sports club please visit:


Club Development Portal:

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