Apply for funding, grants and awards

Apply for funding, grants and awards

There are various grants available to community groups and individuals to help you deliver events and programs in the Kwinana community.

Apply for City of Kwinana Funding

Kwinana Community Funding Program

The Kwinana Community Funding Program provides up to $5,000 for local community groups and organisations to deliver capacity building and community engagement projects.

To find out more about the Kwinana Funding Program please contact:

City staff - call (08) 9439 0200 or email 


Community Event Fund

The Community Event Fund is available to groups to host and deliver local, neighbour-based community events. The fund provides up to $4,000 per application plus an additional amount if groups are able to contribute funds from another source - the City will match the contribution dollar-for-dollar up to $1000 making the total funding available $5,000.

To find out more about the Community Event Fund please contact:

City staff - call (08) 9439 0200 or email 


Neighbour Day Grant

Traditionally held on the last Sunday in March every year, ‘Neighbour Day’ is Australia’s annual celebration of community, bringing together the people next door, across the street or on the next farm for a BBQ or just a cuppa. Activities must take place on Neighbour Day weekend.

To find out more about the Neighbour Day Grant please contact:

City staff - call (08) 9439 0200


Street Meets Grant

The City of Kwinana will provide up to $150 (as a reimbursement after the activity) to encourage and support community members to organise and host street-level activities in their streets and local parks and invite their neighbours to attend or participate. Funding is available year-round.

To find out more about the Street Meets Grant please contact:

City staff - call (08) 9439 0200


Placemaking Grant (Community Project)

The Placemaking Grant is open to community members who want to facilitate innovative community-led projects in their area. Up to $1000 is available for projects.

To find out more about the Placemaking Grant please contact:

City staff - call (08) 9439 0200 


Sporting and Achievement Grants

The Sporting and Achievement grant helps individuals and teams from Kwinana participate, compete, or represent the area in regional, national, or international competitions, conferences, and events. Categories include:

  • Regional: up to $100 per person or $400 per team
  • National: up to $175 per person or $525 per team
  • International: up to $250 per person or $750 per team
  • Ignite Award and Duke of Edinburgh Award: up to $185 per person/per year

To find out more about the Sporting and Achievement Grant please contact:

City staff - call (08) 9439 0200 or email 


LYRiK Scholarships

The LYRiK Scholarships Program offers twelve $1000 Scholarships to young people aged 15 – 24 years who live, work or go to school in Kwinana, have an employment or education goal they want to achieve and would benefit from mentoring.

To find out more about the LYRiK Scholarships Program please contact:

Youth Development Officer – call (08) 9236 4550 or email


Apply for a Community Grant

ConnectGroups Small Grants

Dream it Forward is a small grants program focused on identifying, strengthening, sustaining, or adding value to grassroots, community-led projects that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


The Pay it Forward Plan is a small grants program available to peer Support Group members. The grant funds mental health early intervention and prevention initiatives.


To find out more about Dream It Forward and Pay it Forward please contact ConnectGroups staff - call (08) 9364 6909 or email

Australia Post Community Grants

Australia Post Community Grants support projects that connect people and improve mental wellbeing in local communities with up to $10,000 each year to fund community led, local projects.

To find out more about Australia Post's Community Grants please contact:

Australia Post staff - call 1300 765 772 or email 


Nominate a group or individual for an award

Kwinana Community Awards

It is important to recognise and acknowledge those special members of our community who help make Kwinana a great place. A thriving community needs people from all walks of life to broaden our understanding of the world around us and to help make our neighbourhoods safe, welcoming and inclusive.

We need your help to learn who is out there making your life better! We want to hear about the parent who has run the sporting club canteen every weekend for the last 10 years, the senior making great achievements, whether that is in the arts, academia, service to others or at a local club/organisation.

To find out more about the Kwinana Community Awards please contact:

City staff - call (08) 9439 0200 or email


LYRiK Awards

The Leadership, Youth and Respect in Kwinana (LYRiK) Awards is the City’s annual youth awards night. The LYRiK Awards are open to young people aged 10 – 24 years who have made a valuable contribution to the community and are excelling across six award categories. Nominations open at the end of the year with the Awards Ceremony taking place in June.

To find out more about the LYRiK Awards please contact: 

Youth Development Officer – call (08) 9236 4550 or email


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