Build your capacity workshops and resources

Build your capacity workshops and resources

There are several resources available to community through the City or other organisations to help build your capacity as an individual, club, group or team.

Participate in Capacity Building Workshops

City of Kwinana’s Skills Boosting Workshops

Volunteers make an incredible contribution to clubs and community groups in Kwinana. The monthly Skills Boosting Workshops provide information, guidance and support about relevant topics and the opportunity to network with other groups and clubs.

For more information about the Skills Boosting Workshops and to register for workshops please visit the website.


Town Teams Resources

The Town Team Movement has created a range of resources and How To Guides based on the many tips, tricks and lessons they have learned. These resources are for anyone wanting to know more about Town Teams or how to start one. There is also a Hub which is free for registered Town Teams.

For more information about Town Teams resources please visit the website.   


See Me See You – Multicultural Futures

Would you like to improve your engagement and connection with people from migrant or refugee background? Whether or not you think you are an ace when it comes to other cultures, or there is room for improvement, See Me See You is a great opportunity to check your intercultural readiness, up-skill, and have fun. See Me See You is free for workers/volunteers/leaders in Community Service organisations in Western Australia.

For more information about See Me See You and how to book this training please visit the website.

ConnectGroups – Peer Support Group Sector Development Program

ConnectGroups provides practical assistance to new and established peer support groups in Perth. The Sector Development Program aims to empower peer support Group facilitators, leaders and volunteers, providing them with the skills and confidence to lead strong and impactful groups within the community. A peer support group may be a playgroup, lived experience support group or age specific group.

For more information about the Sector Development Program please visit the website.


Participate in National Days and Weeks

Australia celebrates many national days and weeks. Getting involved in sharing these messages is really easy with free promotional resources and toolkits.

NAIDOC Week (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)

National NAIDOC Week celebrations take place every year across Australia during the first week of July (Sunday to Sunday). It's a time to honor and appreciate the history, culture, and accomplishments of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. You can support and get to know your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities through activities and events held across the country. 

Resources include:

To find out more about NAIDOC Week please visit

Harmony Week (Multicultural)

Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.​ Y​ou can wear orange to show your support, or you can attend/host a Harmony Week event.

Resources include:

To find out more about Harmony Week please visit

R U OK? Day (Mental Health)

R U OK? Inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life.

Resources include:

For all R U OK? resources please visit

Bring Up Respect (Gender Equality)

As parents, and as influencers of young people, we want the best for kids. We want them to have positive experiences, healthy relationships and opportunities to learn. We want them to understand right and wrong. We want them to respect others, and respect themselves. We do our best to set a good example, but sometimes, without meaning to, we might say things that excuse disrespectful behaviour in young people. It’s important we understand the cycle of violence. Not all disrespect towards women results in violence. But all violence against women starts with disrespectful behaviour. We can all help stop it at the start. 

To find out more about Bring Up Respect please visit

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