The Peel Estate "Drain"

18 February 2025
5.45pm to 7pm
Darius Wells Library and Resource Centre, Chisham Avenue & Robbos Way, Kwinana Town Centre

Join us for the next lcoal history talk at the library - this month's topic is The Peel Estate "Drain".

As optimistic immigrants flooded into the South-West group settlements after the First World War, Robert Anketell was given a mammoth task – drain the swamps, divert the Serpentine and convert the Wellard wilderness to a dairy farmer’s dream.

Register at

Kwinana Public Library
Tuesday 18 February
5.45pm to 7pm

If you have any questions about program accessibility or accommodations, we're happy to help - Please contact us at or 9236 4300.

Event Information

Booking informationRegister online on Eventbrite
Cost Free
Location Darius Wells Library and Resource Centre, Chisham Avenue & Robbos Way, Kwinana Town Centre
Contact number 9236 4300

Darius Wells Library and Resource Centre

Chisham Avenue & Robbos Way, Kwinana Town Centre WA, Australia
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